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Yes it is. People far younger die all the time. A personal tragedy for her and her family, but not that important in the scheme of things. My OH works for BBC News Online and they are not "amateur", thanks very much. We'll agree to differ and leave it there, yes?
BBC as a whole are amateur. They do good tv programmes, but news and ESPECIALLY sport, they are useless
Crunchy  Nuts
I'm sorry, but how does me criticising a broadcasting corporation equate to criticising someone's occupation?

That's like me saying I think Liverpool FC are an amateur, badly run football club/company, and then Steven Gerrard taking it as though I'm criticising his occupation or his ability as a footballer.

I don't mind people criticising the company I work for.

As you asked, I'm a student, but work part time at a print company. They aren't the greatest, no.
Crunchy  Nuts

I don't know what I'm getting annoyed about. Someone who thinks Twitter is a credible news source, then describes my highly qualified OH and his colleagues in BBC News as "amateur" clearly has no idea how a news organisation is run. But that's par for the course for a generation of soap-watchers who have watched soap "journos", confuse it with real life and think they know how the job's done.
You clearly have no idea. End of chat.

Clearly you are incapable of accepting that someone has an opinion that is different to yours.
I never once stated that Twitter is a credible news source. You selectively quoted my post to make it look like that is what I said (anyone can do that, cleverclogs), when infact what I said was that ASHTON KUTCHER (someone who was close to Brittany) is a credible source for the particular piece of news in question, the fact that his comments were on twitter wasn't really the point. Has that now registered? 3rd time lucky I hope

Ignore my posts if you like, but if I ignored someone everytime I disagreed with something someone said, I'd be looking at a blank forum. But if that's the way you want to be then this is fine, it's entirely up to you.

Even the fact that they took best part of 20 minutes after the news became 'official' would support my point. But okay, because your OH works for them they are perfect. Thanks for letting me know.
Crunchy  Nuts
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