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if you;re def handing back the machine...   then I would run 'back up to disc '  on the file menu in iTunes... as well as making sure he had everything on his ipod (belt n braces).

Then uninstall as you would for any other program, through the control panel, and add/remove programs (I think in Vista it asks you a cheeky question on your way there ... "what are you wanting to do?"...   options ranging from "install a new program" to "manage user accounts" listed... one of them will be uninstall a program.
Dirtyprettygirlthing said:
Pengy... are you sure that purchased music is stored online? I'd like to think it is...

I'm presuming you mean me, when you say "Pengy"?

What I mean is that your iTunes account, on the website, keeps a record of what tracks you have bought, and allows you to re-download them a limited number of times (probably at least 5).

Have to say, although I have used iTunes, I mostly buy my music elsewhere, from shops that will sell you MP3s which don't have any DRM software, so no restrictions.
Also I have a Creative player rather than an iPod.

I always keep multiple copies of any tracks though. Just in case of disasters.

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