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I often do with mine. Take just then for instance... My cat comes wandering into my bedroom where I am sitting on the laptop with you lot, gives me her serious look and goes 'MIAOW!',
then i reply 'what?',
then she goes 'MIAOW',
then i go 'yeah okay in a minute, im just on the computer.'
then she goes 'MIAOW',
then i go 'Yeah I know, but I'll just be a minute, you won't starve to death during the next minute'
then she goes 'MIAOWWW' and jumps onto the bed
then I go 'Alright, im on my way' and start walking downstairs, followed by the cat,
then she's still churping 'MIAOW' as we make our way downstairs nearly tripping over her in the process,
then i say 'yeah i know, what flavour kitekat do you want?'
and she goes 'MIAOW'
then i go 'alright then, salmon it is then, I'll check if we've got it, but if not you'll have to make do with chicken flavour'

Anyone else have similar conversations with their little super furry animals?

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Yes! When I had my 2 cats their ears got chewed off with me banging on about summink or the other. They've now gone to my mums for some peace.

Now it's the dog who has to suffer. But he just farts when he's had enough and I know it's time to shut up

I am also convinced my dog talks back to me. I have been told I am off my head but I aint having none of it. He talks to meeeeeeeeeeeeee
Lol OP, I've several cats and I seem to spend a lot of the day talking to them about different situations they involve me in. A couple of them jump on my pc desk and sit in front of the screen to let me know they want feeding. Another one who follows me everywhere jumps on the pc desk when I'm up too late to let me know he's waiting for me to go to bed, as soon as I do he follows me up. With the others I have different convo's relating to them. People who don't have cats won't understand but tbh I talk to them as if they understand me, and I think they do, we have good communication as I understand their needs whatever it is 
Yellow Rose
Do any of you also sometimes feel that cats behave a bit like prostitutes? I often do. What I mean is sometimes when cats want food, they use their bodies for food, like when they rub themselves up against you purely with the intention of getting paid for it (with food). Don't you think?

Lol, I've never thought of it like that before. Some of my cats do that when they want food, some do it when they want stroking, cuddling or some attention. They have to do what they do for whatever their reason hoping their owner knows what they're signalling is the way I see it
Yellow Rose
It always makes me laugh to see some thug with a hard dog talking to it in public as though it's his girlfriend.  There's a violent yank on the lead and a loud shout through his teeth saying something: "I've told you already not to pull away!!  Well, haven't I??  You worthless piece of crap!!  If you do it again then I'll lamp you one".  I look over and think: "It's a dog and you're in public, you pointless feckwit". 
I love cats.

It's that insistent miaow that gets me.  You really can't ignore and they know that. 

When I'd been on the beer the night before and was dozing in bed with a hangover, there'd be a shaking at the bottom of the bed as he jumped up.  He'd then walk down the length of my curled up body purring away.  Suddenly, the purr would get really loud as he stuck his nose in my ear.   He knew I couldn't ignore that and I'm sure he knew his whiskers would tickle my ear and make me laugh!

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