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lil thinks.. may i review my original message? a very merry christmas to only fabulous friends on the forum that love to laugh and sing and spread christmas cheer to others christmas felicitatio..feli... christmas goodwill is not extended to (cough) people of a victorian nature however,we must extend charity to those more needy than the needy, more desperate than the most desperate, dear chums (pause) give generously to the 'talentless' this festive season - (lil looks in coin purse!) aideu dear chummies x
i do hope all those that posted received their F&M hampers - nothing in them this year due to credit crunch - but the thoughts there i would also like to extend a gloved (gloved being the operative word) to those that may not be edwardian (poor creatures) those of us that are fortunate to have been born edwardian (ie trying to make the world a nicer place no matter how humble, a smile , a song, a nod to a stranger) our thoughts go out to those 'unfortunates' miserable resentful human beings that prefer to rain on others parade than to investigate their failings (and I should suspect their would be quite a few) to those people we say ; the four letter word...... HOPE for this is the season to celebrate 'everything good' and to this spledid feast and to this table of joy - you are NOT invited good day lil gestures with hand

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