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Went into Birmingham last night to see Pet Shop Boys and as we arrived early walked through the centre of the city for the first time in my life.
We were really impressed, and the German market was lovely. Decorations were great too. There was a stall selling some chocolate marshmallowey things which were delicious - we bought loads, and the gig was ace as well.
Would definitely like to visit again.

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THANKS MOOMIN!     Yes Birmingham is a lovely lovely vibrant and exciting city and is very under-rated, and is London's poor relation sadly.... The shopping areas and sights are fabulous. People make such a big old fuss of London, and yes it is a wonderful place of course, and they also make a fuss of Liverpool and it's history, and Manchester and how cool it is etc etc, and poor old Brum gets overlooked, but it's a great city, and is well worth a visit. The Brummies are fab people too!

Go this coming week if you can folks; it's GREAT at Crimbo! The atmosphere is great, the lights are lovely and the German markets are good too. We saw them last year actually when they were in Germany!
Agree with everything both Pengy and Frosty said, Brum is a great place to shop and the German Market is great as well.  We are constantly overlooked by the rest of the country or still seen as the city with all the nasty concrete buildings, most of the worst ones have gone now and Town as we call it as well, is great for shopping and is much safer now.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Agree with everything both Pengy and Frosty said, Brum is a great place to shop and the German Market is great as well. We are constantly overlooked by the rest of the country or still seen as the city with all the nasty concrete buildings, most of the worst ones have gone now and Town as we call it as well, is great for shopping and is much safer now

I must admit to not having had a very good impression of Birmingham beforehand, for exactly the reasons you said - so I am glad to have seen what it's really like, and this is why I'm now singing its praises!!
I moved to Birmingham nearly 6 years ago to be with my partner. I admit that before I knew him, Birmingham wasn't bottom of the list of places I thought I might ever live - it didn't even make it onto the list. I came here because his plan to move to Yorkshire feel apart when the company he was going to work for went bust a week before he was due to start. (Thank god it wasn't a week after!) We'd had enough of the distance relationship by then so I just packed up and came down here and I LOVE IT!!!!! My only regret is that I'm so far from the coast but everything else is brilliant - the shops, the Symphony Orchestra, huge events at the NEC, the Nature Centre and Cannon Hill Park and of course, our fabulous German Christmas market. Most of the people who make derogatory comments about this city haven't been here for years, if at all.

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