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A neighbour of mine found his cat dead in his back garden this morning..... apparently it wasnt a pretty sight. There are loads of foxes around here at night and he's saying thats what he rekons it was.

I got to thinking about it after thinking it was quite unbelievable and thought about wheely bins all being contained and thought if a fox was hungry enough it might kill a cat to eat

Dont think i'll be letting the pooch out too late at night for a while.

What do you all think?

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Jenstar online 766 Forum Posts Today at 8:30 (Edited: ) Reference: Are there any Badgers about, it could possibly be a Badger kill. Not sure about badger. By the sounds of the mess the cat was left in i think it was eaten
It does sound like a fox then, one that was disturbed because usually they eat then bury whats left for later
usually they eat then bury whats left
Well the man had changed the cat flap to go out only as he's been having a nasty cat that hissed at him coming in, so his cat must have gone out in the night and not been able to get back in. He told me this this morning and worried a fox might have got her. then later he said he'd found the body.....  I thought it was weird that he had assumed it was a fox as i thought it was a random thing to think after  not seeing the cat before the school run (not long enough to worry imo) and then it turning up dead.

 If it were me the thing id worry about first would be the cold
There are a lot of foxes in the copse at the back of my house.One killed a cat last year about 2am the cries were bloodcurdling.Now when I let my dog into the garden at night I make sure the ouside light is on,as he is not much bigger than a large cat probably resembling a lamb with long hair.Not that the fox  will worry,but my dog is old and deaf so would be easy prey.
I fear if a mother put's her baby outside in the summer in their pram,they also could be easy prey.It is a disaster waiting to happen as Foxes are now on the increase and moving into towns looking for food.
Whilst we would not suggest that foxes will never kill cats what we can say is there has never been a reported case of this happening. Usually foxes and cats have a mutual respect for one another. The time of year when calls peak are usually around March / April / May. People will view a fox chasing a cat and wrongfully assume that the fox is looking to kill the cat to feed her cubs. What is happening however that whilst cubs are still very young and underground cats will show a very unhealthy interest in them. If the cat was to get to the young cubs it would kill them. A vixen looking after her cubs will chase cats away from the earth. Calls again then peak usually around July where householders are claiming that a pack of foxes is going around terrorising cats. Since foxes do not hunt in packs we can assume its a family of cubs learning their way around their territory. On discovering a cat they tease the cat, in the countryside the badger is usually the one that the foxes will tease, one would never believe that the young cubs were looking to kill the badger! Once the cubs have met with the ferocity of a cat they learn quickly to avoid them. If a fox finds a dead cat on the road it will take it away to eat. Any person observing this will assume that the fox has killed the cat. We have observed on many occasions foxes carrying marrow bones, never do we conclude the fox has killed the cow! If more than one fox is present when this cat has been discovered, and since foxes are so selfish with their food, an argument over who's it is will commence. Remembering on many occasions that the police have been called out thinking someone's being attacked and killed because the foxes are so vocal, it is easy to assume that the foxes are killing the cat since that's what it sounds like.
Crunchy  Nuts
LGS 3860 Forum PostsToday at 21:03 (Edited: ) duchess I live in a built up area and have foxes in my garden day and night, they bloody sunbathe at the top of my garden and sit there watching me hang my washing out
same here  i hate the bloody things  my neighbours both sides put food out for them every night and i've got a stray cat that lives at the bottom of my garden  even the squirels chase him
Where we used to live for many years, I had 3 cats and foxes at the bottom of the garden permamently for years with cubs every year as well. In all those years the foxes never troubled any of our cats, they'd often be in the garden at the same time just a few feet from each other. I also never heard of any of the neighbours cats being attacked.

Whether it made a difference or not I don't know but I fed them every day of the year so they never went hungry. They also allowed me to get get quite close to them and their cubs, which I thought was a privilege as they're very shy creatures and usually run from anything that scares them. I thought they were lovely animals, they played with their cubs and watched over them just like any other parent, animal or human watch over their young. I'm not denying they never kill any animals like chickens and rabbits etc, and maybe they do/have killed cats, maybe it's all about survival and maybe I was just lucky all those years.
Yellow Rose

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