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I was at my front door this afternoon, giving the paper girl her Christmas card, when this little cat came running along the front of the houses to my door, meowwed at me, and walked right in to my living room!

She insisted on loads of strokes and smooths then settled down on my chair and had a little nap, before waking up and demanding more strokes.

She stayed two hours, but I had to put her back out, as I'm sure her owners would be wondering where she was.

Cats are very therapeutic.  Brightened up my day no end!

Hope she comes a'calling again soon.

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We have big black  and white fecker that "visits" our garden.It's not welcome in the least as it tries to  prey on the little songbirds at my bird feeders. It's a pet cat ,well fed etc it's not hunting for survival etc.In the Summer it gets a super soaker gun up its one eye.Now I just have to open the back door and it!

I do like cats, my cousin has a beautiful long haired tabby called "Loki",he is a total house cat,the best kind.No danger to native wildlife.
True kattymieoww, only I don't have anything suitable for her so didn't feed her, and only have skimmed milk, which I didn't know if that was alright for cats, so didn't give her any milk either. She and I were just happy with the cuddles and company. It was pretty miserable outside. She felt a bit thin, but otherwise looked really healthy. I'm sure she's got a good home somewhere nearby. But I do hope she comes again for a few hours!

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