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Reference: Trollop
Shall I create a new ID and see who finds me? I will pop up like the Knitted Charater off TV Burp and there will be a prize for who gets me right
*gets all excited*

I have never spotted the Knitted Character... they always placed him on really crap programmes that I don't watch!

But this one.... this one I might get!  

*rolls up sleeves...  sits up straight... focus... *
...then I have to turn over, cos it makes me cringe too much
oooh! I do that all the time!  I can't watch public phone ins on any show...or listen to them on the radio. I can't watch xfactor auditions for the same reason....although interestingly, I made an exception this year. It seems that my floozy hormones can override the cringe factor.
I can't watch xfactor auditions for the same reason...
No.. neither can I!   Yet everyone else I know loves it.   When I ask about it they all say it does make them cringe... but it obviously doesn't make them not want to watch it.

Ickles the weirdest....  she loves watching the x factor auditions, cringe n all.... but some cringey bit in "Drake and Josh" or similar teen based drama... and she has her head in a cushion!

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