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Commuting to work in the cold in Londinium does my head in, cos you go out all wrapped up like a mummy, you get on the train and it's baking cos its so crowded so you have to take everything off, and if you change trains (like I do) you have to get dressed again to go to the other train, then you have to take it off again, then get dressed again to get into work from the station. It's not good for one's cosmic balance and by the time I get into work I look like this --->
And someone had the audacity to be ill and hold the train up while I was waiting!
Now you see that REALLY gets my goat. And the jumpers in rush hour - how bloody inconsiderate are THEY? When someone goes on the track it screws EVERYTHING up for hours. Why not wait till it's a bit quieter FFS.

You are slowly turning into me Sazza
Its not too bad if I know about something before I set off, cos I can go another way... its just when you have no option but to wait really It didn't take long this morning, it was held in Liverpool Street cos the alarm had been activated, but they seemed to get it moving quickly... I assume the ill person was taken off the train
I dont know if you remember my memorable trip to Hull earlier this year (the one where I spent 7 hours on the same train and never even got there)
I was so angry with the train staff I said to them 'you know in London, we haven't got time for this rubbish, if someone falls on the track do you think there's time to disrupt the entire network for the whole day? No there isn't! We just step over them and get on with it!'  (I was not happy)

Maureen Lipman got a mouthful too. And when I finally got back to Kings Cross the police were checking peoples bags and I was being handled like a terrorist cos of my surname
I was so angry with the train staff I said to them 'you know in London, we haven't got time for this rubbish, if someone falls on the track do you think there's time to disrupt the entire network for the whole day? No there isn't! We just step over them and get on with it!' (I was not happy)

I didn't think your surname was terrorist sounding Try going places with B

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