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I dont think I've seen a more moving ad in a long time.Took me completely by surprise...the two innocent kids asking for smas pressies as you'd expect a young child...then the third little girl says'For xmas,I would like the punching to stop'.So so sad....we take so much for granted including the notion childhood should be innocent and this should be a magical time of year for kids.

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I think this ad's so hard hitting because it's so understated.

TV,I've worked with a couple of kids who endured sickening abuse,yet desperately wanted to see their mum(who'd witnessed the abuse and not acted) again.I can only think that its the desire to belong to a family that drives that feeling..even if that family have put the kids through hell.
What gets me about these ads apart from the sadness of thinking of kids going through suffering, is the fact they put them on the kids tv channels over and over again.

Dont get me wrong i think they do a good job and need to raise funds etc. i just think its bad to show young... really young kids these things when they dont have to know about them. I'm a great believer in preserving innocence where ever possible as it doesnt last for long.
Having looked after 22 foster kids in the last couple of years, I'll bow out because I'd end up writing a book!

Suffice to say there are hundreds of crap parents, and hundreds of children who suffer, and often go on repeating the cycle over and over again. It's a hard job knowing what to do for the best in every case, and I would hate to be the one making the decisions.
There's a story in the news at the mo...a 15 month old baby died, up the north some where I think a 30 year old man is being questioned about it
I know, just heard it on the news and read about her injuries in thepaper - I was close to bawling  The b..t**d apparently raped her and broke her little back!
She was only 15months.What punishment is enough for someone like this.

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