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For everyone who has lost, you wiil see them again one day Meanwhile, take comfort, they are with you and watching over you every day
Absolutely agree, Scotty. I miss my brother every single day but I know I will see him again one day and I often feel his presence around me. I honestly believe we never really lose the ones we love as long as we keep them in our hearts.
I lost my partner 4 years ago around this time of year, the year after my Grandad passed away and the year after that, my nan. I hate Christmas!!
More importantly, it's a difficult time for my Mum, with both of her parents passing around the same time of year, she doesn't deal with Christmas very well.  We try to take her mind off it all, but I guess it never really goes away.

My thoughts are with you all - it's never easy, but this time of the year is very hard *Hugs*
My Dad died this year. But in a way, it's nice cos it means my mum is coming here for Christmas dinner.
My foster son was 13 months last year, and I wondered if he'd still be here this Christmas, I really thought I'd be adopting him. However, he's gone back to his parents (which long term is good, I know, but it doesn't stop my heart breaking) so his high chair is empty this year, and I know it will kill me.
We have 3 permanent foster kids this year, the first of many Christmasses together
Jings that was a bit of a serious post for me
I'm torn about what to do, i'm thinking of lighting a candle or having her favourite drink on the mantle piece (she enjoyed a drink) but i fear my brother and dad might get upset by it.

On her birthday, me and kids let some helium balloons off with little message attached at my dads flat, that went ok.

I dont know.... i want to do something thoughtful in her memory but would hate to upset my brother and dad. Any suggestions?
death is horrible, isn't it?
yes it is, my dad and brother act like hard men but i know just talking about her may make them cry, throw in alcohol and ..... well they may fall out with me! men eh?

Think i'll just keep a candle light on the mantle piece, they will notice it and know why its there, but wont feel forced to show their emotions.

She will probably enter the convo at some point naturally, which i think will be ok on them, just emotional gestures in her memory might be a bit much on the hard nuts. Either way she will be in my heart and thoughts as she has been everyday for the past 6months, for her i know that will be more than enough.

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