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The song contains 17 mentions of the F word which I can imagine will horrify certain sections of the press and public. The band are political activists, anti-globalisation, anti-capitalist, anti-racism...anti...well anything nasty and right wing really.
I think you're wrong with the number, Leccy.  When Growly Jnr first bought this,we were worried that my mother would be horrified if she heard her playing it (she was only about 11 at the time).  She decided that she would cough each time the F word was used - it's used well over 30 times
I think you're wrong with the number, Leccy. When Growly Jnr first bought this,we were worried that my mother would be horrified if she heard her playing it (she was only about 11 at the time). She decided that she would cough each time the F word was used - it's used well over 30 times
Poor kid, I'm surprised she didn't end up with laryngitis!
My source was wiki but we all know how hitty missy that place is.

R.A.T.M.'s killing in the name of has been bandwagoned by students, a great British trait as seen many times in the past (also known as Diana syndrome), as has Journey's SMALL TOWN GIRL, really, are these songs worthy of being heard every year at Chrismas time for the rest of our lives, so sick of them already and I do everything possible to avoid them. R.A.T.M. might very well be political but in 17 years alot has changed, are they to release another album highlighting the plight of climate change, rainforest destruction, carbon emissions and mass immigration or are they just going to continue to pollute the airways and remind us every year what a bad mistake getting Chrismas No.1 was. I agree that the money machine that is X-Factor having the No.1 slot is getting tiresome but anything is better than the noise that is rage Against The Machine, please get off the bandwagon and start listening to proper music everyone.

I agree that the money machine that is X-Factor having the No.1 slot is getting tiresome but anything is better than the noise that is rage Against The Machine, please get off the bandwagon and start listening to proper music everyone.
It probably doen't matter what  the Christmas No.1 is. However to say that the X Factor style musical shieght is better than RATM is plainly wrong. Lovely programme mind.
Garage Joe
Here's a Christmas no 1 I would buy, Gypsie and Prince CharMING singing "Especially for you" as only they could.  Now I'd buy that!!

Can't stand the constant X factor rubbish getting to No 1 at Christmas, it should be a proper Chrissmassy song that yeah, it's cheesy but it highlights the time of year.  Personally I would buy the Muppets, just to keep X Factor from the top.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!

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