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Just wondering if anyone knows anything about them, in particular my friend has to have a standard CRB for her job.  She's never been in trouble but was once arrested for something she didn't do.  Anyway, the police investigated and realised she was innocent, releasing her without charge within a couple of hours.  She's worried this might show up on her CRB check.  I can't help her because even though I've had a CRB myself and have the certificate it just says no convictions, cautions, warnings or reprimands.  She's bothered her arrest might show up as a warning or something.  I think not but would be grateful if anyone who knows for sure could post and let me know

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Indeed! Have the other tories issued their plans for changing everything on their subsequent arrival then?
I think so.  Innocents are to be removed from the database.  Only the DNA of convicted people is to be be held indefinitely.

They will also scrap the National Identity Register and also ContactPoint I believe.

Unfortunately, they're not as strong on maintaining civil liberties as I would like but they're better than the dangerous numpties in power now, pretending badly to be Tories whilst doing the usual profligate Labour act of running the country into the ground and creating a socialist-oriented society of rewarding the feckless and misunderstanding human nature.
If she wasn't charged then there shouldn't be any criminal record.
There might still be something the Independant Safeguarding Authority have stored even if she wasn't charged.  It depends on what the arrest was for.  The ISA consider soft information, such as hearsay and rumour and other sorts of unfounded suspicion, relevant for the checks and a CRB check may pull up ISA data depending on the application I think.

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