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It's ÂĢ10 a month as I have a phone contract with Vodafone Teddy, I'm not so much worried about the connection as the usage allowance...I think it's 3GB per month, but I don't download much on my laptop, i just go on Facebook, on here and do my banking etc....the guy said i should be ok and should get about 150 hours a month, or more, browsing/ surfing as not downloading things will free up 'space'....does that sound about right?
The Devil In Diamante
I think you should be Ok. To be frank I can't remember my bandwith limit but the only time I ever reached it they sent me a message saying I'd exceeded it and wouldn't be able to get broadband during peak times until the end of the month so there were no extra charges involved. It was still fine during the day and just slow as all bugger in the evenings.
Teddy Bleads
Hi everyone :waves:  Can anyone give me any more information on these things? Where's Zaph when i need him?

I have a few questions and am hoping someone can help, here are my questions (bear with me I don't understand these things)....

I have a 3 GB usage allowance a month with this dongle. I don't download stuff onto my laptop, maybe watch a couple of Youtube Vids if they're on here.  I generally use my lappy to do abit of banking, Facebook and on here. 

Can anyone tell me if I should be ok with the above allowance using it as i have outlined above?

If i have a few pages open but i leave it idle, is it still using loads or does is only use from my allowance when I'm loading pages? 

What is the difference between a KB, a MB and a GB?

The Devil In Diamante
If its purely for surfing the net then 3gb should be more then enough as long as your not downloading movies you'll be fine. How much do they charge per mb outside your bundle?
You lost me at the GB have no idea what they charge outside the bundle....I am so confused over this , I just don't understand this technical stuff.... I don't DL movies or Music and stuff, just on here, FB, Banking and surfing...will I be ok? I may call them and ask them how much per MB oustide my bundle...any help from anyone (in simple terms) would be much appreciated...
The Devil In Diamante

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