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she speaks her mind. I've come across a lot of people over the years who seem to think that saying what's on their mind should also come out of their mouth.

I hate that as well. I knew someone who constantly said "I speak my mind" One day I replied " Well it's a good job I don't, because no-one would speak to me if I did!"

 what a great reply lol
Yellow Rose

Yellow Rose - I endured a "friend" like this for years. We are a group of five girls and there was one who was like Kim - 'I speak as I find'. It has taken me twenty years but I cut her out of my life after she decided to be 'frank' with me when she felt I was grieving too much over the death of my sister.(Grieving too much in her books was not going out on the lash with her and the girls)
I was sad for about a week after I told her to go away forever, but the freedom of not having to listen to her opinions as gospel, is a joy. I think Kim will be first out.

Katie's career is publicity. That is why the media pay her vast sum's of money because they know we either love her or loathe her and that bring's them publicity. If her hater's had completely ignored her in the jungle perhaps the media would have begun to get the message. Instead all they have succeeded in doing is making her richer and more famous. Now the Americans want her for their version.

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