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No-one has said that people who don't/won't/can't fart in front of their partner is psychologically damaged.
I take it you are referring to my post then Frosty? If you read it again, I inserted a little grinning smiley right after the words "psychologically damaged" to denote that I was joking. This was in response to another FMs jokey reference to anal retentiveness.
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Demantoid online 6321 Forum Posts Today at 04:20 (Edited: ) Reference: unless they have a dog, which they can both blame. Poooh, you've just reminded me of the old black dog my family had when I was a kid. His farts could clear a room in seconds
my rats' farts really can smell baddddddd (probably cos they can't be sick or burp)
Queen of the High Teas offline 4618 Forum Posts Today at 07:34 (Edited: ) Reference: Hoobs my rats' farts really can smell baddddddd (probably cos they can't be sick or burp) Yeah yeah, blame the poor ratties.
sadly i can't blame them cos mine are alot louder

rats are silent and deadly!!! you dont notice them till the smell hits you lol.
Queen of the High Teas offline 4618 Forum Posts Today at 07:36 (Edited: ) My 11 week old baby is very pleased with herself when she lets rip. She straining as I speak. Actually, I think that's going to be more than a fart.
bless her!

Dex bows his head down and goes red and teary making pushing noises still sometimes lol. and he is at that age where he laughs manically if he hears a fart noise
I have a friend called who is gay and very prissy. He used to do the most disgustingly smelly farts whenever he would come over for a meal and then blame my dogs. He got really embarrassed and defensive when I said it wasn't, so I just had to put up with it and go along with it.  I worked out never to give him mushrooms or garlic in a meal and it doesn't happen so much now.
Queen of the High Teas

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