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Do you lot mind!!!

*wonders what kinda prawns essix has been having... to even consider that as an alternative*

And no need for me to fake any headaches... its our wedding anniversary on monday... he's been making little comments all weekend... about how its in the small print of the wedding contract... birthdays, christmas & anniversaries...
Essix... desperate for some noodles meself whilst he was galavanting around being the man from the council....   I too followed the recipe from the rockin group!

Mine turned out ok... ish!   ish!    his are still better!

I have cooked them again, and they do get better each time!

His are the best though... but he doesn't cook them that much anymoooorre

Ta for the happy anniversary stuff... we won't be doing much...  we were a bit stoooopid getting married three days before my boys birthday...  it means all available funds are earmarked for his pressies!

However, I am sooooo excited cos the four of us have seats booked at the flicks on saturday morning to see New Moon.  Then we are off to Nando's for lunch.   A combined bday/anniversary do (poor baby Ditty... he doesn't even like Twilight very much!   He does like Nando's though)
A huff and a puff... a mumbled "what time do you call this?" and then an exagerated gathering of the duvet before turning over and resuming the full on snore I can hear from down here I reckon!
I'm gonna sleep now--- on the setee down here-- Mrs Real wants a lie min-- and says i keep waking her up with my snoring??? Am only 10 stone??? so don't know why i snore   Anyway--- am gonna sleep on the setee tonight and i bet she will wake me about 5-30 asking what are you doing sleeping down here? Can't win either way   Night all-- It's neen fun tonight. The jungle starts later   Some one else to slag off  
Reference: Real
I had that last night Moonie They must be passing the probs around nightly to different FMs Do yo use FF-- if so-- clear your cookies--Tools-options-privacy-show all cookies-remove all cookies. If it's IE-- suggest you use FF for here or get the razor blades out like i nearly did last nigh
Thanks Real. Was on the verge this morning, NOT  The funny thing was the desktop was ok, it was just the lappy. I was on here on both at the same time trying to sort things Mind you I did reboot the router and it seem to work after that, so it could have been that possibly, I suppose...............

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