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You can make it friends only, then you only let in who you want
It's not just that Lowi... I have other objections to it... how it's now used for HR vetting which will always be there for kids who post their drunken exploits without realising how it may be used in the future... and how the information may be used in any way that may compromise you in the event of being accused of some crime or other.... I haven't done either... but I distrust it with a passion... and also the premise that I think it was established for... but don't ask me here... google.
Re: Brisket's OP - Peeps with the 'gift of the gab'

I interpret two kinds of gabbers...   one type is the wide boy type that in my younger days I would have thought was the bee knees... your salesman type gab...  cheeky, overly familiar... little bit whoooo, little bit weeeeee.   This type I have well and truely out-grown...  see right through them...  You know the type... the shockingly young estate agent with the ridiculous suit & over styled hair, drenched in aftershave.   They get my back up immediately now.

The other type... I think is more charisma than gift of the gab...  I suppose the type above is trying to emulate this type of charm.  But, its something some people are born with... they seem to give off some sort of likeability pheromone.  Whether or not this means they are to be trusted....  who knows.    I think they can 'get away' with more, and are more easily forgiven, because their company is enjoyable.  But, there are limits... and if a truely dodgy character lurks underneath, then any perceived charisma suddenly turns to wideboyesque patter!

BTW.... the first bloke I ever loved... the father of my daughter... he had it.. the gift..  as he started to embrace the dark side... the charm suddenly seemed like patter to deceive and con.
Ditty's right. There are people with an inner "something" (charisma?), but they're outnumbered by self-promoters who are all surface, no depth.
Personally, I can't stand the "centre of attention" type. You know the sort, they have to be the loudest in every room, pride themselves on being the "life and soul" of every event. Mostly they're just pains in the arse.

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