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MSN have published a dating advice topice for men and women!

Here's the advice for the guys ... ladies do you agree that this wud help snare your affections and make you swoon?

1. Show respect
This is the universal rule of the polite. All other tips are just permutations of this one.

2. Listen
Pay attention to what she says, and take it to heart. When she says she's allergic to dust mites, vacuum before she comes to your place for drinks. If she says she likes Italian food, rent Big Night on DVD and invite her over for pasta.

3. Be on time
Making her wait implies that her time is less valuable than yours is.

4. Be generous
I'm not talking money here. Give freely of your praise.

5. Be reliable
A gentleman's word is his bond. If you say you're going to call, call.

The "F" word
Finally, a word on feminism. Some guys believe that a woman would be insulted if he held a chair for her. I have yet to discover a female who wouldn't be charmed by such attentiveness.

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So wot have they missed . . . .

  • Do as you're told
  • Dont hog the tele for football
  • Dont slag off soaps or x factor especially when they're on the tele
  • Dont be late back from the pub
  • Dont forget birthdays or anniversaries
  • Do make an effort with the housework
  • Do pick up socks and kecks from the floor and place in washing machine
  • Do compliment constantly - even if you dont mean it
  • If wifey asks 'does my bum look big in this?' ALWAYS say no
And most of all


Think that's about it.

How to Please a Woman

Follow this advice if you wish to impress your girlfriend.

  • Compliment her;
  • respect her;
  • honour her;
  • cuddle her;
  • caress her;
  • love her;
  • kiss her;
  • stroke her;
  • buy things for her;
  • tease her;
  • comfort her;
  • protect her;
  • hug her;
  • hold her;
  • spend money on her;
  • wine and dine her;
  • listen to her;
  • care for her;
  • stand by her;
  • support her;
  • hold her.

How to Please a Man

Follow this advice if you wish to impress your boyfriends.

  • Show up naked;
  • Bring beer.

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