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They can't live too far from the site of the memorials, by the fact that they were back so soon. That should narrow the search down. We need some other form of effective punishment to deal with the misfits of society. And l don't mean the hand- ringing apologised kind. This kind of feral youth is out of control, it needs to get tougher for them.
It sounds like a protest to me, rather than vandalism.
Daniel, I see what you are saying, but there are better places to protest than a war memorial for goodness sake.

Surely most right minded people would understand what the memorial stands for and have just a tiny bit of respect.
The area this happened in is shall we say a rather sensitive area for police/community relations
♥PinkBabe1966♥The Angel under the tree!
You see things like this senseless crap make me very afraid....I actually frighten mysef with the level of hurt and violence I want to dish out to those utter morons

  The feeling is mutual.  Vile little parasites!
Daniel, I see what you are saying, but there are better places to protest than a war memorial for goodness sake. Surely most right minded people would understand what the memorial stands for and have just a tiny bit of respect. The area this happened in is shall we say a rather sensitive area for police/community relations

Agree pinkbabe.
Daniel, I see what you are saying, but there are better places to protest than a war memorial for goodness sake. Surely most right minded people would understand what the memorial stands for and have just a tiny bit of respect. The area this happened in is shall we say a rather sensitive area for police/community relations
Oh I'm not justifying it.  I just think it's most likely a protest, and possibly even done deliberately to annoy people.  That is, not mindless vandals whose actions are beyond understanding.  It could even be the same sort of people who wave placards at returning troop parades.
Someone in authority needs to set up a CCTV camera in the vicinity of the memorial and man the footage 24/7.  The culprits would be revealed, named and shamed, for their despicable acts.  It shouldn't be that difficult to catch whoever is responsible.  But of course it may be too late now that the damage is done.  But some people are cheeky and arrogant enough to try again, so a camera panned on the memorial is essential imo.
Twee Surgeon
They should bring back National Service.
It's not a bad idea actually.  I'd love the thought of loads of late teenage young women digging slit trenches, sleeping under trees on Exmoor, and not washing for days.  Without the latest copy of Heat and Hello!  It could be the making of them!
It wasn't vandalism at all. It turned out that the council had painted out the letters with black paint as an undercoat so that they could then paint the letters with gold. It was actually being spruced up and after they undercoated it someone cleaned it so they undercoated it again.
oh dear!  After all that outrage and talk of despicable acts being perpetrated at the memorial, it was the right hand not knowing what the left hand was doing all the time.  The understatement of the year has to be that there was a lack of communication.  That made me laugh.  But I noticed in the article that they were intending to set up a camera to watch the vandals at play ..
Twee Surgeon
Reference: crossy
Again! One's mind is drawn to the humorous magazine VIZ and the character Meddlesome Ratbag therein. A woman who dedicates her life to seeking out opportunities to be offended.
I think she used to be one of my neighbours!

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