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What stuff at work really gets you angry?

Here's just one example of mine to reveal a bloody annoying culture of suck up grovellers, lol. (I'm a happy soul really)

So i had to do an NVQ2 at college
There we were - adults in class (christ!) - was i reluctant or wot, lol
"Lets get this over with pronto i was thinking.
In troops a load of post menopausal wobble bottoms (sorry ladies but its true)
They were armed to the hilt with file upon file and bloody pencil cases etc . . .
Topic - STRESS and DITRESS - how exciting . . .

90mins worth of discussion had the post menopausals telling of their stressful lives, antidepressant hell, ASBO kids, brushes with the law, stressful jobs where their good nature and application was leaned upon creating huge workloads, abusive husbands who did nothing but were married yonks on end blah blah blah . . .
And i was starting to feel for these women, truly.

Until ...

"So who wants to be put forward for the course after this - its very demanding but ultimately rewarding and will help those seeking promotion"

EVERY hand except mine shot up like frantic children keen to please!!

God how i hated them in an instant - LOL - They just loved to moan

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Slightly off tangent, but I think that anyone who had something to do with Quality, Auditing, HR, NVQ's and other non core wastes of time were annoying.
Since I started working for myself, or to be truthful working for my darling wife whose name escapes me, I can get on with true aspects of work, and leave our rivals to get tied up with such red tape and nonsense.
Garage Joe
When I worked part-time at the hospital, we had to attend regular health and safety-type seminars, which were so dreary.  How to lift things properly, etc, and they even brought this fake person in for us to practise CPR on.  The chances of my being called upon (being a receptionist) to resuscitate someone in a hospital full of doctors and nurses were pretty slim.
Reference: Renton
 At work we have the worker - the shirker and the guy that knows it all but puts bugger-all into action (yet is very good at hiding) Anyone have similar?
I have to put up with one of those.  He has the knack of doing the absolute minimum every day, goes for half hourly fag breaks but yet the manager loves him and thinks the sun shines out of his backside.
Smarting Buttocks
they even brought this fake person in for us to practise CPR on

The last time I went on a CPR course (which I'm expected to "update" every six months - as if the heart is going to be somewhere else next time...) I was asked to leave for not taking it seriously enough....

When it was my turn to "resuscitate", they told me the first thing to do is to call for I said "help, help, my plastic dolly isn't breathing"...

lead balloon time...
My shifts. 1pm-9pm two weeks out of three, the third one, 8am-4.30pm.
Plus working either Saturday or Sunday day every other weekend, which means twice a month I work a 10-day split with only one day off in the middle.
I get one "normal" weekend every month (ie, both days off) and one 4-day one. By which time, I'm too knackered to do anything with it but sleep. Or catch up on the housework.
Because my shift hours work on a three-week rolling pattern, I can't plan to do anything with my evenings on a regular basis, such as evening classes.
When I did my first aid course I couldn't do the chest compression on the fake baby.  My fingers just bent back, the guy running it (a Dr!) gave me special permission to use my knuckles if I ever need to save a babies life.  But warned the rest of the class not to do it or they'd break its ribs.  Then proceeded to ask me loads of questions about  EDS (me bendiness) coz he'd never heard of it. 
Reference: Renton
We attend plenty of courses about - wait for it . . . Valuing People, lol Wot a bloody joke - i value people, its my employer that doesn't ... then they try to tell me how to!!

What a liberty!

I was doing a temping job in the local council offices last year, and one of the women went on an 'assertiveness training course' offered by the council.  Well, when she came back, she had just learned how to be really really rude to everyone, so she was even more insufferable than she had been before.
I suffer quite badly from RA and emphysema. I only work part-time, but do need the job. I have a very good sickness record, hardly ever take time off, as my shifts are quite short, and I am of the opinion that surely I can work those few hours, even if I'm feeling quite bad.

So, these past two weeks I've had a bad cold. First week I was on holiday, so it didn't matter. Second week I was back to work, feeling absolutely crud, but it's only a cold right? Yesterday, the start of the third week of this cold, I went in, still feeling lousy, so thought I'd better get myself to the doctor.
I'm supposed to phone 2 hours before my shift if I'm going to be off sick, but didn't phone as I thought the doc would just give me some sudafed or something and I'd be back at work for the start of my shift at 11.15.

Turns out I've got a chest infection and sinusitus, and should have been taking a different inhaler and anti-biotics, as I couldn't manage my usual ones, cos I'd cough before they'd get down to my lungs. She recommended I take the rest of the week off, to give my chest time to recuperate.

Phoned work an hour and a quarter before my shift starts, apologised for being late calling, explained I'd been to the doctor, what I had, and that I wouldn't be in. She shirtyly said you haven't given the 2 hours notice. I said I know, I've just explained. She said do you have a sick note. I said, I didn't think I needed one for the first seven days? She said acidly that's NOT what I asked. Do you have a sick note? I said ok, no.

They seem to forget that we are not automatons, that sometimes we try our best, but these things happen, and we are all human after all. I did apologise right at the start, but I was made to feel 2ft small, and to be honest, I didn't like it.

Sorry for the long rant. I just had to get it off my chest (no pun intended).
Managers who introduce a new software program for us to use.  They don't ask the programmer to speak to the actual people who would use this program so it ends up being completely useless, full of bugs and makes our job harder to do resulting in loads of complaints from the users.
I am not going to tell you what my husband does for a job
Reference: Jenny
She shirtyly said you haven't given the 2 hours notice. I said I know, I've just explained. She said do you have a sick note. I said, I didn't think I needed one for the first seven days? She said acidly that's NOT what I asked. Do you have a sick note?
The cheeky cow!
You should have said: "And since I've just TOLD you that legally I DON'T have to provide one yet, why are you asking?

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