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It makes a world of difference, doesn't it Lowi?   But hang on! Just because I don't know what way is up as regards 'puter stuff, doesn't mean my talents don't lie elsewhere!
I'm terrible with computers Pam, and I've been reading other tips etc and practising it does get better. I've learnt how to do links since being on here. Couldn't do them before would never have had a clue.  What are your hidden talents pam?
Before they moved the Forum over here but we had access to LC and all the new stuff it offered I was among others who were trying different things, but there were still glitches and certain things not working. The Support Forum was great to visit because members helped out if they could and Chris helped me a few times, and Chris was the one who had to sort out all the tech stuff behind the scenes.

Moving to LC was yet another big change for us but I don't think people like Chris and any others behind the scenes get enough credit for all the extra work they had to put in to sort out all the problems that were needed at that time and on occasions have still been needed, so  for Chris and anyone else who deserve our thanks and appreciation
Yellow Rose
Moving to LC was yet another big change for us but I don't think people like Chris and any others behind the scenes get enough credit for all the extra work they had to put in to sort out all the problems that were needed at that time and on occasions have still been needed, so  for Chris and anyone else who deserve our thanks and appreciation
I'll second that Yellow Rose, they have made improvements so we can get to the last poster on a topic and see who is the OP.

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