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PF, I bet it was great seeing it on the big screen.  I don't go to the pictures very much so I am going to wait for it to come out on DVD.  I have seen some clips of him rehearsing and he still had the magic.  This film will prove that I daresay.  MJ was a true artist imo.  He did attract negative publicity but that makes no difference to me because he has left us evidence of his genius, with this film adding to his legacy.  The film itself has received favourable reviews, and it sounds as though you really enjoyed it.
Twee Surgeon
I went to see it tonight (just so I could post in this thread....)......I didn't really want to, but my son is a huge fan and dragged me along. It was incredible. Loved every second and ......It made me cry!  I didn't cry when he died so I didn't expect to be blubbering like an idiot

I blame it on the fact I loved him when I was 12. It was like watching my youth flash before my eyes.....and a scary reminder of my mortality.

There were also two ladies sat behind us (when there were 100's of free seats may I add!!!!) who had terrible BO. Put me right off me popcorn.

I may have shed a tear for my popcorn too.

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