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God forbid that instead of actually supporting families to stay together the new approach is to swoop in and take very small children away from the people who love them most. What kind of society would we end up with? As statistics prove we are all getting fatter as a nation so perhaps resources should be directed at educating and pro-actively helping families like this in-situ.
I can only surmise that there are other issues at play here. There would have to be to warrant taking a newborn baby away from a mother who, whether fat or not, is still capable of and well equipped to care for - and love - the child at such a crucial time.
I wonder if it is fear of reprisals or genuine care for people and families which motivates Social Services these days.
took wee children away from their mums
but they aint wee children-theyre 'fat waiting for a heart attack' children cos mom and dad cant be arsed to cook a proper dinner

i dont give a f*ck about their problems
two parents -which by the way is pretty rare in this day and age-have decided a take-away is more filling for the kids than a proper meal-WTF..!
i made a stew/soup tonight for tomorrow
carrots, potatoes, sweet potatoes,parsnips and mince meat
i tell ya what-it cost me about 3 quid for the stuff, it'll feed 4 of us

and if you cry-'maybe them fat kids dont like it'  its cos theyre used to chinese takeaways cos mommy and daddy are too fat and idle to cook

you know im right

lazy bingo winged, idle fat bastards
now theyre making the kids the same

you might say 'oooo'

but you know im right

be honest
The parents were warned a year ago that this might happen. The council paid thousands to help them get the weight off the kids. It's not hard to feed your kids healthily or take them to the park for a bit of excercise. It's lazy.

Did anyone read the story of the woman who deliberately made her toddler fat so that she would be the same as her? Killing her with kindness was one experts opinion.

Is it abuse? Well it's harming them and could lead to health problems in the future so yeah I think it is.
Is it abuse? Well it's harming them and could lead to health problems in the future so yeah I think it is.
I think so too.  I hate seeing overweight kids as I have no doubt it limits their life chances in a number of different ways.  Overweight adults are a different thing.  There are lots of reasons why adults are overweight but I don't think it's simple laziness in all or even many cases.  That's just laziness of thought to write it off as that.  The difference is though that adults nominally have choices, even if it's to resolve their other problems or seek help themselves if they are unhappy with their weight whereas children, especially younger ones, depend on their carers and are developing their future behaviours from their environment.
 you know im right
You are right Charmer. I wonder where we draw the line though. There are a lot of malnourished children going around but because they are not overweight, the outward signs are not there. I am certainly NOT defending these parents, I just think it is a shame that the price being paid by the children is an emotional one.
MoFo 2245 Forum Posts Today at 01:06 "The local authority said any decision to remove children from their family would not be made solely on the basis of a their weight"
yes, i did, and the first thing that i thought about was the damage done to kids, or rather the potential damage, of the trauma of being seperated from their family.if they were taken away purely n the weight issue.
Triggers 845 Forum PostsYesterday at 18:12 (Edited: ) God forbid that instead of actually supporting families to stay together the new approach is to swoop in and take very small children away from the people who love them most. What kind of society would we end up with? As statistics prove we are all getting fatter as a nation so perhaps resources should be directed at educating and pro-actively helping families like this in-situ. I can only surmise that there are other issues at play here. There would have to be to warrant taking a newborn baby away from a mother who, whether fat or not, is still capable of and well equipped to care for - and love - the child at such a crucial time. I wonder if it is fear of reprisals or genuine care for people and families which motivates Social Services these days.
I am with you on this triggers! So as well as branding them as fat They are also going to remove the kids into an environment they do not know! That'll help then!It would be much better to help them as a family and show them that you can cook healthy food and actually enjoy  eating it!
Having looked at dispatches last night it must be difficult to choose food which can be labled as healthy but in fact is not! Most of the cheap bogof items in supermarkets are junk food ie crisps, biscuits and the like! Beware of the so called healthy cereals..... They are not! Support families.... do not tear them apart!
Am I over-weight ? No! 5.4 and just under 8st.... but I prefer not to judge people harshly They just needs some sound advice and encouragement!
When I saw this story last week, the local authority stressed the weight issue wasn't the only reason for removing the kids. We don't know what else is going on there.

But I'm with several other posters here - not feeding your kids properly is a form of neglect. It IS cheaper to cook nutritious food from scratch than to live on fatty takeaways. If these parents didn't even know the basics of cooking, what made them think they were fit to be parents? Isn't that part of the job?
A spokesman from the council said: “We will not comment in detail on any family with whom we are involved, but we have made it clear on numerous occasions that children would not be removed from a family environment just because of a weight issue.”
I think this confirms that there are 'other' issues being addressed here.

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