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I think what we have seen has been greatly contrived. (I doubt that many of the events actually happened in the sequence they were shown.
I think the producers have "concocted" a series in which they wanted peaks and troughs, ups and downs, drama and surprises. So they manipulated it.
From programme 1 I would say we have deliberately been led up the wrong path - in order to surprise us later.
For  instance, making Nathan look bad so that towards the end of the series they could surprise us with his efficiency.
I also strongly doubt that the diners in the restaurants are complete strangers. I believe many are there by invitation, and some are prompted to complain or act in a certain way.
Too much of a set-up to be convincing. There is very little genuine "fly-on-the-wall" stuff here.
Chris has been the best cook throughout the series.
...oh! and Sarah Willingham should not be allowed to take her hair anywhere near food.
Contrived and edited to deliberately deceive the viewers right to the end.
Considering how fastidious Raymonde Blanc, David Moore and Sara Willingham are, it is amazing that she is still allowed to drape her wild locks above the food.
I get a strong feeling of being conned.
The winners and judges deserve each other.
For my part I would happily go to eat Chris's food, and even engage in banter with Nathan.
Poor series.
Worra load of sh*t!    I loved, loved, loved that programme up to now and was so excited about the new series.  What a let down, what a farce.   It's not about being a chef, it's about being a restauranteur?  Why bother having them cook then?   Poor show, Raymond... the pedestal I had you on is wobbling and I'd STILL like to poke the po-faced, starchy knickers Willingham in the eye.
Firstly, I'm embarrassed and ashamed that before this series started I recommended it to people as something they should watch, after immensely enjoying the last two series.
What must they think of my taste in viewing after that shambles of a series?
Secondly, seems like proper chefs needn't have bothered applying. Maybe the contestants should be pot noodle eaters and microwave meals for one lovers.

I could go on and on, but I think the people who read this thread all feel the same way anyway.

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