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Is anyone else surrounded by people who always spit??? I gets on my nerves and makes me feel sick

People do it all the time when im at work & college, it really puts me off them. Its the same when walking around town, im walking in the opposite direction of someone and they spit just where im walking, im then having to watch where I step Pisses me off the most when yobs do it as they make a weird noise before they do it

Also came across this, about footballers setting a bad example of it...

"Spitting is disgusting at all times. It's unhygienic and unhealthy, particularly if you spit close to other people," said an HPA spokesman.

"Certainly, spitting is a nasty habit that should be discouraged - and it should be discouraged by the clubs. It's about setting examples for young people who idolise them."

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I really hate people spitting with a passion.  I passed a guy the other day who was pushing someone in a wheelchair.  (It was quite windy)  Anyway the guy pushing spat but did it over the head of the person in the wheelchair, I remember being disgusted, but also thinking bloody hell the wind might have blown it right back in to the face of the person in the chair.
Arrrgggh it's probably the highest of my 'things I dont like about people in general' list (which is quite long   )

I ALWAYS make a comment, I cant help it, no matter how many mates they're with (if it's teenagers) and evenr worse if I see an adult doing it, and even MORE worse if I see a woman doing it. I once gave a woman a good 15 minutes of ear bashing over it - the fact she didn't speak English and was looking at me like an alien was irrelevant - at least I felt better afterwards

I used to have a neighbour who would spit all the time. He'd hawk up when he was walking down the path (usually into my garden....), when he was talking to his friends on his mobile, everywhere and anywhere.
He'd even do it from inside his house...every now and then, he'd open his upstairs window, gob out into the garden, then shut the window again....
Kaytee offline 8940 Forum Posts Today at 14:01 (Edited: ) Nasty habit..but I confess that apart from footballers doing it on TV, I haven't seen much of it around here I used to let my very large dog do the dirty in the garden of a woman with a yappy little mutt that always did it's business in mine....soon stopped her
Guess you're quits Kaytee but I don't have a dog and my neighbour who does still fumes at this one of possibly two people who 'walk their dogs'.
just when did it become acceptable for footballers to close one nostril and blow down the open one and send a shower of snot into the atmosphere?
That's what's called a builders handkerchief

Spitting is bloody gross and it makes me gag seeing someone do it but also I gag when I see flob on the pavement!

Bring back hanging!
Honestly, I went out and suggested she pick the poop up first, but all I got was a load of bad she got the poop back, only much bigger. My dog died some years ago now, but she still lets hers poo everywhere...but not in my garden (lol)
I'm with you on that score kaytee, honetly - I do understand; I grew up with two dogs and my late parents were adament with their cleanliness so-to-speak, Right now, there's this 'mystery neighbour' who walks 'his' dog early and has more than left his mark left of our garden wall! I'll put up with anything but doggie/cat stuff!

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