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Have you ever seen a documentary called 'A conversation with Koko'?  Granted it's not about chimps, but a gorilla who is taught sign language.  She signs that she really wants a child, so they get her a kitten to look after while they search for a suitable mate.  The kitten ends up getting knocked over and killed, and her reaction when they tell is absolutely heart breaking.
Course they do. So do elephants, dolphins and even your pets. A vet once told me that even hamsters can grieve. It happened to two of my last lot. When Toffee died, his brother Polo stopped eating and died himself two weeks later.
 That's really sad. My dog Paddy grieved when his older 'brother' Murphy died. He just sort of aged really badly within a week. That's one of the main reasons we got Daphne so quickly and having her really did help him (and us) through it.
Queen of the High Teas
That's really sad. My dog Paddy grieved when his older 'brother' Murphy died. He just sort of aged really badly within a week. That's one of the main reasons we got Daphne so quickly and having her really did help him (and us) through it.
Having said that though, my parents' Jack Russell, Spike, didn't give a toss when his dad Pepe died. He was a cold one, though. Only puppy I've ever heard of who didn't cry for his mum and siblings on the first night in his new home. He just curled up in his new box and went to sleep!

When his dad died, all he did was spread himself out a bit further on the sofa because there was more room, and put on weight - because his greedy old dad wasn't around the scoff the lot first
Awwww Having said that though, my parents' Jack Russell, Spike, didn't give a toss when his dad Pepe died. He was a cold one, though. Only puppy I've ever heard of who didn't cry for his mum and siblings on the first night in his new home. He just curled up in his new box and went to sleep! When his dad died, all he did was spread himself out a bit further on the sofa because there was more room, and put on weight - because his greedy old dad wasn't around the scoff the lot first

Queen of the High Teas
Darthhoob 1831 Forum PostsToday at 09:20 (Edited: ) # Reference: Daniel J* offline 4703 Forum Posts Today at 09:19 (Edited: ) Chimps (actually, most or all of the great apes I think) are self-aware so it's pretty likely they understand death and grieve. Bizarrely, I think chimps stop being self-aware when they get old. bit like some humans

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