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Our very large company does. A couple of Christmases ago, they abolished to ÂĢ10 per head previously given to each member of staff towards their Christmas party. It made all the national papers, with headlines about Scrooge bosses "cancelling Christmas" for staff while making sure THEY still got their skiing trips, private jets etc.

Funnily enough, the Crimbo payment was reinstated the following year.
We used to have a massive ball in London's ally pally - till they took that away - we had all sorts at it - Mika and Basement Jax one year... Now they give each site about 500 to organise something, we used to get an xmas pressie as well (past one's being a digital radio and a huge wooden box of Hotel Chocoalt) - now we get an email saying " we've donated 10k to a kids charity for you" .. CEO still got a new boat this year tho, of course.
We've had dinner booked at a kind of hotel place. we have to pay, which am used to by now but the options are:-

Turkey with bacon - a no no

Skate with veg - erm...

Mixed veg type of thingymebob - I want a dinner not a garden on my plate!


Christmas pud - gags

Fruit salad - like I said already, I don't want a garden on my plate!

So am not going!
i had a brief employment with a well known high street retailer of photographic equipment,joined just before christmas, each member of staff received a hamper in a proper wicker basket with leather straps and buckles and everything,therein nestled much lovely stuff and a scattering of  rather peculiar stuff,a small round chrissy cake, a bottle of good white and an equally good bottle of red,6 festive crackers(good quality) with metal  things inside rather than plastic,peaches in brandy,cherries in a liqueur brandy snap biscuits,2 tubs of patÃĐ, a box of belgian choccies,part poppers,some thing wrapped in hessian that i still have no idea what is was  and a jar of pickled walnuts...

the following year, we got a personal login to  the company'festive' page where we could peruse the goods we'd been desperately trying to flog all year and  get 20% off....

Aww... the best ones I used to have was ... way back - the B.T. ones... they were mental (food fights... running around winding up the people in the accounts departments, senior management caught snogging secretaries in computer fights... the works)... but then just before I left B.T. officially cancelled Christmas (and that was decades ago).

Then years later the path lab ones!  We had a fancy dress one once......  one girl wandered off and somehow sliced open her leg (she chose me as the person to show it to!)... we had to call an ambulance and whisk her back to our A&E.   A group of us followed in a taxi.   So in we strutted.... a fancy dress chicken, a British Empire Soldier, A hula girl (that was a bloke) & a bloke riding an ostrich (fake legs style).  The triage nurse came up to us.. in front of the A&E waiting room... as our consultant (the empire soldier) shouted... "its ok we're staff".   The looks on the faces of peeps in waiting room was classic!

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