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I HATE my bosses! Some of you may know my firm was seeking redundancies in various departments. We got sent a load of bumf to say that, if a certain area had more people wanting to leave than management had asked for, they might consider moving staff from other areas to cover the gaps. but that it would be decided once we all knew who was going.

Today we had the announcement of who was going. One department got more redundo applications than they'd asked for, which is surprising because they have the cushiest gig out of any of us. Better hours, less shite. My department didn't get enough people applying.

But instead of asking us to apply for one of the vacant cushy jobs (as they'd said they would in all the bumf they sent out at the start of the process) they have just shoe-horned one of their fave pets in. She gets the job - and none of the rest of us were even given a chance to say if we wanted it, or ask to be considered for it.


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Demantoid They are a bunch of complete and utter shiteheads hun. I wish the job market was more buoyant so that you could shove their crappy job up their chocolate whizzways
That made me snort - thanks
They're "rationalising" working practices here, which means more job losses again in a few months, probably. Bollox to the lot of them.
I detest the inner workings of the workplace Toid. Where`s the support, the good will, the commaraderie?

It`s disappeared..GONE!

I`m self employed, not making loads but comfortable enough. I`d rather be skint than have to go back to that teeth grinding dog eat dog atmosphere.
People are shoits sometimes...I`ve never really understood why.
Try not to be so angry Toid (easier said than done, I know) it`s not worth really isn`t.
So, SO true. The subtext is: be grateful you've even got jobs, peasants..
Exactly, its not even myself I'm pissed off for, I get a good salary but ffs....people work hard they should be rewarded not bunched together with people who dont pull their weight because 'we cant be seen doing something for one and not all'...

And if I hear 'dont people see the news and know whats going on out there' again I'll lamp someone
Oh yeah. "Don't you know there's an economic downturn on?" Riiight... so you'll be giving up that massive Chrysler gas-guzzler in the carpark then, boss?
Oh Deman, my Boss is the of the range Audi Q7, full spec everything in it...was skiing in january for 6 weeks, then to the South of france for 3 months this summer, as well as a week here and there dotted inbetween. She's back in france soon, looking for an apartment in Chamonix to BUY outright....and i can't have a small payrise....her favourite words are 'credit crunch'...I get ALL her bank Statements and manage most of her finances as she has a ÂĢ180k apartmant here in Bolton as well as a place in Brittany and one in Ireland...she tries to tell me she's not spending....makes me sick, why lie to me when i know for a fact she is spending 3 times my wage on supermarket trips & restaurants....oh, and not forgetting the flights she booked to malaga last week (and Hotel), incase she felt like going away, which she didn't ÂĢ350 wasted!!!!

....her money but I wish she wouldn't lie and say she's not spending....and breathe......
The Devil In Diamante

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