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Saz, I had the same problem. Pill gave me worse migraines than I had already suffered and the doc suggested the Implanon so I had it. Take those migraines and multiply by 10 and that's what I got! After nearly a year on the implanon the doc suggested I have it removed and try 3 months without contraception to see how this affected my migraines. 2 weeks later I was pregnant with my youngest lol. After he was born I had the mirena fitted and have to honestly say it was a nanosecond of pain and have had it in for 3 and a half years with few migraines but a lot of weight gain which I honestly can't blame the coil for fully. I rarely get periods which is a bonus and the headaches are much less severe when I do get them. Some people do put on weight but then other's dont and I honestly don't think it has anything to do with my coil that I have gained. More my mouths fault!
Thanks Ella I think I'm swaying more towards the coil now.... I have to go back to the docs in a month or so - we're seeing how not being on the pill is affecting my headaches. So far, not had any... it was lucky really, I had a godawful headache last time I was visiting my parents and mam said it sounded like what she had and could it be because of the pill cos hers got worse when she was taking it. I would never have made the connection myself but as soon as she said it, it seemed obvious cos I never really get headaches. Gotta love mams

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