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Some of you may have read my thread and seen the pics of the remains of our garden wall after it was hit in the early hours of Wednesday morning by a joyrider in a stolen car, who then proceeded to run away.
We have been told by the police that we have a choice when it comes to getting the wall fixed - pay for the whole repair ourselves, or claim off OUR house insurance, which carries a ÂĢ250 excess, and the high likelihood of our premium going up next year because of our claim.

The first quote (we have asked for 4) came through this morning ÂĢ850 + VAT.

Surely this can't be right? We are going to be this much out of pocket because some idiot (my language is much more restrained than the words I used in the privacy of my own home ) drove into our wall and then ran away. He gets away with the whole thing if he doesn't get caught.

Incidentally we were victims of a break-in a few years ago, and the man- a drug addict- was told in court that he was a very naughty boy and not to do it again.
Why is the victim punished and the criminal getting off scott-free?

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moomin, you're not feeling very happy are you, I can tell these things, I'm a practising clairvoyant.
I'm sorry I don't know much about this type of thing. Did you tell the police about your policy excess. Perhaps you could get back to them and ask if there is any compensation for victims scheme? 
Sorry you're being faced with this, really just what you don't need.
I didn't know you could do that Stonks? Would we have a valid claim do you think? At the moment I am considering just leaving the wall as it is, rather than spend loads of money on it!!
Yes  The motor insurance Bureau, they deal with unidentified drivers of accidents, its the same if your car was hit by an uninsured driver, the police seem to be covering someones back..go the CAB and they will put you straight on everything....
Yes  The motor insurance Bureau, they deal with unidentified drivers of accidents, its the same if your car was hit by an uninsured driver, the police seem to be covering someones back..go the CAB and they will put you straight on everything....
I never knew that stonks Great advice...worth a try Moomin, seems odd that the coppers didn't take statements straight away as well...hmmmm....
The Devil In Diamante
It was apparently in our local evening newspaper (which we don't get).
We know more from what people have told us about the article in the paper than we do from the police (who have still not taken a statement). Apparently the policeman whose car it was had his house broken into and the keys stolen and then  they took the car. They are appealing for "witnesses" - it was 2am FFS!! Nice of them to let us know all this, wasnt it?  
I was wondering if the copper's car insurance would pay for the damage, as presumably he will have to claim on it for his car, which was written off.
I was wondering if the copper's car insurance would pay for the damage, as presumably he will have to claim on it for his car, which was written off.
It might be worth a try but I think insurance usually insures the person, not the car.  So, he's insured for the theft of and damage to his own property by someone else and he's insured for damage to third parties which he causes himself in the car.  That's the Third Party, [Fire], and Theft policy.  If he's Fully Comprehensive then he's insured for all that and accidental damage he causes himself to his own car.  I think.
Moomin if he's fully comprehensive on his insurance your wall is covered and especially with the keys being used as the owner is liable as the keys are not meant to be left on show....But even if he's third party, you are a third party, you can phone the station up and ask for a crime number but you have to go and pick it up....

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