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That's what woke me up at 2.15 am.

OH and I were in the land of nod when there was an almighty crash from outside.
We looked out and couldn't see anything - OH looked out of other window on the landing and saw that a Ford Focus had crashed into our front wall.
We went dashing out (covering up first ) to see if the driver was hurt, only to find that they'd done a runner, leaving the car engine running, windscreen wipers going and smoke coming out of what was left of the engine.

We live on a bend and it has been an accident waiting to happen. This is the third time someone has hit our wall and there have been two other cars going out of control on other occasions, one spinning 180 degrees before driving off and the other hitting a telelgraph pole and cutting off all the phones before driving off!!

The police came, took dogs out to try and find them, but not sure whether they did as after about an hour there was nothing more we could do so we went to bed, and they got the car (a write-off)  towed away. Couldn't get back to sleep after that though - so been awake ever since. 
Police are coming to take a statement this morning, though not sure what we can tell them. Cleaned up all the rubbish when it got light - about 15 foot of wall completely smashed to the ground and debris from the car all across the drive. Plants and shrubs ruined and snapped off.

Anyhow - turns out the car belongs to a police officer!!

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These were taken at about 7.30, when after some of the mess -including the car, obviously - had been moved. The large concrete wall post lying on the lawn was in fact flung further up the drive!!
At least you were all tucked up safely in your house Moomin...if you'd been in the garden and it was during the day it could've been much, much worse....
The Devil In Diamante
Flip! How frightening for you! It reminds me of the street that goes 'across' from ours - and a few years ago a camper van lost it's brakes coming down our 'small' hill and went straight into the house going across - luckily they were all out and no one was hurt but the folks from the house had to move out for months as their house was unstable for living in. They had a complete overhaul of interior and exterior for safety - ironically the family in question (who lived in the house) split a year or so later when she had an affair (nothing to do with the accident btw).
Never buy a house that faces uphill!
At least you were all tucked up safely in your house Moomin...if you'd been in the garden and it was during the day it could've been much, much worse

I said that to the Policeman this morning - thank God it wasn't during the day when all the children were walking to school, and when our Post Office is open there are lots of people coming through to post letters etc, and they often stop and chat on that lawn bit.

There were no skid marks at all on the road so I guess they didn't even try to apply the brakes as they came round the bend.

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