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If someone can invent a way to draw a circle that doesn't involve a deadly weapon we'll make a fortune.
Draw round a polystyrene cup!  Not plastic, that might hurt if chucked...and obviously no hot drinks in said cup...but oh no, polystyrene isn't very green is it...and you have to be careful or the line goes wonky.  dimELLA!
Our science teacher decided to demonstrate the lighted splint  in a test tube of hydrogen (makes a pop)  experiment on a larger scale using a large plastic (gallon?) container instead of a test tube.

It didn't pop though, it bloody exploded - all the front bench of pupils in the lab got blown off their stools and all the classes from miles around came running. We all had to have our hearing tested afterwards - my best friend got  a perforated ear drum.

If that happened nowadays, I'm pretty sure the parents whose kids were affected in some way would have sued the school/teacher for being so irresponsible.
Reference:  Toid
He also used to let us sniff the ether and chloroform
hahahaha!   A few weeks after I started working in the lab, the bloke who would become my bessie work buddy took me for "proper" tour of the labs.   Basically sniffing all the good stuff... ether, chloroform... and amyl nitrate (the best bet antidote for cyanide poisoning)....  I went home with a serious headache!
Reference: ditty
hahahaha! A few weeks after I started working in the lab, the bloke who would become my bessie work buddy took me for "proper" tour of the labs. Basically sniffing all the good stuff... ether, chloroform... and amyl nitrate (the best bet antidote for cyanide poisoning).... I went home with a serious headache!

Nice...  Ether smells luscious, like Victory V sweets.


lol.... yeah, I've done it in my youth too!    Was surprised to see it at work.

Funniest thing I have ever seen at an after club party back at someones house.... we were in the kitchen.. the house was rammed... it was one of those victorian terraces where the bathroom is off the kitchen....

Some bloke off his face came staggering out of the bathroom and looked at us, held up a bottle of tea tree essential oil and said "aahhhh just found a bottle of amyl in there... result".... and then covering one nostril took the biggest sniff from the bottle!

We laughed til it hurt.... he was running round the back garden screaming holding his face!

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