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Did he deserve to win the Noble Peace Prize? I know it's been a few days since the announcement but I've just been questioning the reason behind the decision & considering some of the other people that had been put forward for it.

He won it for "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and co-operation between peoples".

Just curious as to what peoples views are? & if they have any?

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I'm at the maybe but veering more towards a no. He made such a fantastic impression in the run up the election and is an excellent orator, he genuinely seems to care where others haven't. However, he hasn't been in power long enough IMO to be worthy of the award. Another year would have been more appropriate I feel. But I do like him and I do believe he has the country's best interests at heart.
when I found out that Obama was running for president I said to my OH that it was the wrong time. If he becomes president now he will be used as a scape goat & the others will use this so that an African-American will have no chance in future.

I think he is a brilliant man, family man & president but feel this has just come too too soon.

It's like there is a pedastal being built with him on top & we all know what happens!

PMSL I've just seen this on Trollcats!
On a serious note, I can't honestly see what the heck he has done to deserve it, there must be hundreds of more worthy people. Quite astonishing
Although the Nobel Peace prize has been pretty much discredited for me ever since they gave it to that evil old warmongering freak Kissinger

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