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As I was carving our Sunday roast an hour or so ago, i realised how old our electric carving knife was.

My Dad bought it for my mum, and he died in 1981, so I am guessing it is from the late 70s - over 30 years old!! We also have a chest freezer from 1981, and a microwave which OH and I bought when we got engaged in February 1986.

And all of them are in perfect working order!! (Hope I'm not tempeting fate here).
And yet we have been through no end of washing machines, hoovers and cookers snce then, Were things more built to last back then?

I know you young ones won't have any relics like me, but do any FMs have some old appliances which they still use on a regular basis?

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Also,all these new flat screen super LCD/Plasma tv's I see when I visit folk.To me the best brightest  picture is still on the old analogue type tv.I still have one in my bedroom.Our big TV in the living room is a back lit huge Sony effort,we got if for nowt ,because my nieces' fiances folks are always buying the latest Tv that comes on the market.
I've still my old 26 inch big old tv in storage,when she finally move out,I'm re-instating it..Hah!
Well my old Samsung microwave  oven gave up the ghost the other week it was 16 years old.It was huge had a one foot cube capacity oven,
I had a samsung same capacity, it had some auto programmes on it, deffo. one was scrambled eggs, forgot the others now. I paid for a 5 year extra insurance policy on it. It went caput after 4 years 11 months, the main gubbins went. They took it away and fixed it. I had another 10 years with it, before passing it on to my step daughter. i think it is still working so probably 20 years now. Beat that someone, competition is on.
I have my late MILs wooden chopping board.  It is as good as the day I first seen her use it (1964), it is a beautiful wood.  I used it today to carve the joint!  And then I immersed it in the bowl in hot soapy water without it bending out of shape like the modern wooden boards.. It is only about 12" in diameter but has a little drain going all the way round it to collect the juices.  I have loads of chopping boards - rigid plastic and melamine - but nothing beats this little chopping board.  And she told me that she had had it all her married life.  What a record, eh?
Twee Surgeon
haha Blizz, that sounds rude!  Perhaps I should have worded that a bit better.  It has a slight groove all the way round the edge to stop the juices flowing all over the shop.  Rather than a drain!

Yes low, it is made of some sort of plywood or hardwood of some kind and it never warps when immersed in water.  I have never seen a more hardy little item and it must be over 60 years old, and white as driven snow.  I scour it and scrub it, and i cannot destroy it!  It refuses to go under.
Twee Surgeon
Gawd , I've got masses of  v v old stuff, especially china/crockery/glassware/bed-linen/furniture. I like the 'chabby chic' stuff,  (which seems right in my cottage  which was built in 1704.) I've also got a 20 odd year old microwave and ironing-board, a 30yr old electric carving knife come blender, and a kenwood hand mixer much older than that! Did have some 'nursey rhyme' Christmas tree lights that were older than me 'til last year when they sadly died
more than can list, starting with myself! dining room Suite 60 years old, was my mothers.. carving fork was my grans, flour sieve was my grans,old jewelery,chopping board about 20 years old, sauceapans had before my son was born and he is 37, they are copper bottemed prestige and i saved thousands of cig coupons to get them, lol!! sherry glasses of my grans (I don't drink!) pottery hot water bottles, from my gran.. mirror my grandad made beofe i was born.. on and on!! love all of them as well

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