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About 6 hours is a good night for me...I'd like more but it rarely happens...though last night I kept dropping off and missed the end of both part one and part two of Ghost Whisperer and dropped off somewhere in the middle of the Real Housewives of New Jersey then woke up for the end.

This is what I do, fall asleep with the tv on but when I switch it off I lay awake for hours.
My lack of sleep is probabaly the reason why I come across as a grumpy old man who slates zelebs, honestly I am a decent bloke, you wanna see me at the weekend when I don't have to be at work.
Same here, though I even wake early at the Weekend!!!! What i'd do to sleep like the BF, his head hits the pillow and that's it for a good 8 hours
The Devil In Diamante
I can go weeks on 5hrs a night or less... and then it all catches up with me and I end up like a zombie for week, sleeping 12 hours or more.... and then the cycle starts again.

It initially started when I was working and studying, so just didn't have time to have a nice regular 8hr per night.   Now its usually cos husband snores.... or cos I don't go to bed when I should.
God I need loads of sleep. I go to bed around half eleven and get up around 8 (or when daughter wakes up - never before 8 though!!!!)
I was like that when my kids were little though Arwen!    It was later on that my bad sleeping habits developed.   Another reason was I used to crave time when the house was quiet (to study in peace).... and very very early morning was the best time for that.
I love sleeping but I try my hardest not to sleep when I'm not supposed to by that I mean I don't take naps, that just makes me worse, I would rather struggle through the day and get to bed at my usual night sleeptime, by the way I've just beeen googling mattress shops in Nottingham I reckoon a new mattress would help me sleep better, my there's abig difference in prices, if I pay more will I get a better mattress, I've never had to buy a new bed or mattress before. I heard the council will take my old mattress away for me.
Getting a new mattress was life changing for me.    We'd bought a new bed (a pine slated one) which came with a wafer thin piece of material they jokingly called a mattress.

We kept meaning to replace it, but didn't get round to it, then we couldn't afford to.   All the time I was getting worse and worse back ache, sleeping less... feeling crap.

My parents in the end offered us the mattress from their spare room.   Its a lovely pocket sprung job.... took three of us to get up the stairs.   Whereas I was able to carry the old one rolled up  under my arm and fold it into the back of the car to take to the tip.

Getting that mattress made the world of difference to my health & quality of life.

Now if I could just find a solution to my husbands snoring....
Ditty I've read it and mine is exactly the same...honestly, within seconds of his head hitting the pillow it starts, it doesn't matter if he's lay on his front, back or sat in the chair

He also does the 'death gurgle' (you know what I mean), where he sounds like he is choking for a few seconds I try and wake him but it's almost impossible, even worse once I let it start winding me up as it seems to get louder and louder.........

What astounds e is that it must take so much energy to snore like that in his sleep, it's a wonder he has any energy left the next day. If I snored like that I'd wake up even more knackered than when I went to bed....

...for that reason, if I have a busy day at work the next day i won't stay at his I'm dreading us booking a holiday next year, imagine him on the beach falling to sleep on a sun lounger... Maybe I'll do a City Break!
The Devil In Diamante
Reference: DD
worse once I let it start winding me up as it seems to get louder and louder....
Its a bugger... but once the cycle of 'anger' has started... I know its gonna be one of those nights!

& as for him falling asleep on a lounger on the beach... and starting to snore!  Oh that made me giggle!

You should just put a ruffle around his neck, and sell tickets!   Live Walrus show!
Poolie - you do get what you pay for re matresses.
Memory foam if you can afford it is wonderful - you'll wonder how you ever lay on anything else!!
We just have a memory foam mattress topper which is much much cheaper - goes on present mattress, but does make a difference.
My dream is to own a proper memory foam one. Bliss.
Won't stop the snoring though.
Reference:  Moomin
My reply is always "YOU'RE tired?" And then a few expletives.

And... I have a memory foam pillow!  It took alot of getting used to.... at first I would put another pillow ontop, cos it felt like I was lying out on a medical couch or something with just the mem foam pillow.

But... now it is the only way for me.   No more neck ache... a reduction in headaches too!
or... pitch your loungers behind some under dressed germans.... the snoring sound would go well with the view when they do their straight leg bend down to pick something up thingy! God... the sights that burned my retina's in Egypt!
That reminds me of being in Ibiza about 15 years ago. My friend and I were lay on the sand talking, this German fella behind us stood up, turned round and bent over to pick his towel up...he was wearing a string, crochet thong, with an aqua tube hanging off it Last turkey in the shop anyone!!!!
The Devil In Diamante
an aqua tube hanging off it
A what???  as in a pool inflatable?   Did this tube have a function?

Oh how funny!!!

We have been behind similar types in Fuertaventura as well... we found the decent beach (follow the germans)... but were unaware it was actually a nudist beach.  Til the couple in front of us whipped it all off (they were in their 60's.... and were on the larger side of tubby).... both of them then proceeded to oil up..... and of course there was no bending of the knees to put oil on the ankles... ooooh no!  

Full visuals .... scarred for life!!
A what??? as in a pool inflatable? Did this tube have a function? Oh how funny!!! We have been behind similar types in Fuertaventura as well... we found the decent beach (follow the germans)... but were unaware it was actually a nudist beach. Til the couple in front of us whipped it all off (they were in their 60's.... and were on the larger side of tubby).... both of them then proceeded to oil up..... and of course there was no bending of the knees to put oil on the ankles... ooooh no! Full visuals .... scarred for life!!
Hilarious Ditty, there are some things the naked eye should never have to see

The aqua tube is about the size of the inside of a loo roll, but thinner, it screws together in the middle and is water tight....thus enabling you to hand it round your thong and keep your money dry at the same time...
The Devil In Diamante

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