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madamski offline 2160 Forum Posts Today at 22:45 (Edited: ) i know they are harmless but i hate any flying things ............ argh ( trying not to mention kid's who kick the pigeons just as i'm walking past )
Aww shame,you wouldn't like my free flying little budgie then.."Mr.Jinks" he lands on my head or shoulder and chatters away to me.He also like to sit on the back of my right hand as I move the "mouse" around.I sometimes put up some ypou tube budgie film and talk for him.
Yup loads of them - I believe September-ish is their time. to think before they evolved and lost their 'fang' things they had a deadly bite too! Not any more tho'. yesterday morning my hubby opened the door to leave for work and a baby frog jumped into the porch, it also happened back in the summer with a larger frog! Luckily he saw it, I was putting the rubbish out earlier and I wouldn't have seen it - it could have ventured upstairs! We're also inandated with spiders (I know we've been doing the house up) but they're getting beyond a joke! don't start me on the slugs! Although 'my neighbour tends to have more than me...'. I wonder why?
Reference: GMA
yesterday morning my hubby opened the door to leave for work and a baby frog jumped into the porch, it also happened back in the summer with a larger frog!
we get them in the garden.... on their way to some mystical pond that no longer exists.  One stayed with us last year.... setting up home in an upturned propagator lid that had filled with water in the back of the garden.    

I then spent all winter worrying about it becoming a frog ice cube... and was amazed to discover that frogs can freeze!!!  And survive!  Bizarre.

We called him Frogbert!   Unfortunately the dog got him in the spring...  I blamed us for not relocating him.   Lesson learned.
Reference: GMA
to think before they evolved and lost their 'fang' things they had a deadly bite too! Not any more tho'.
"An urban legend states that the daddy long-legs spider has the most potent venom of any spider; this same legend is attributed to crane flies where they commonly go by the name "daddy long-legs" (principally in the United Kingdom). In fact, the crane fly is innocuous, while the spider's venom is harmless to humans because of the small dosage. The commonly confused harvestman, also known as daddy long-legs but which isn't a spider, is also not venomous."

I blame Ricky Gervais!
is anyone else being bombarded with them ? i'm scared to switch my light on ............ they are everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't mind them, though there were two in my bedroom when I was tring to sleep the other night, I can live with that except I could hear them keep 'scuttling' round the lampshade.....

..anyways, if you can't catch them and you don't want to sleep with them in the room, just open the bedroom door and put the landing light on, they'll fly towards the light and hey presto, a daddy long legs free bedroom....
The Devil In Diamante

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