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I've never been in your friends position thank goodness, but I can sympathise with her in that sometimes it's easier to ignore stuff than to tackle it as it happens.  The problem of course, escalates, but even though you know it will, not dealing with it seems to be the easiest option for the time being. 

I've heard of a consumer site that helps people to help themselves deal with baliffs, but for the life of me I can't remember what it is.  I'll have a look around to see if I can find it and I'll post the link. 

For what it's worth, I don't believe they can take pets.

Found it...  http://www.consumeractiongroup...fs-sheriff-officers/
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Its hard trying to get these things through to her, she says she will then burys her head in the sand and starts hiding bills etc - i've been there before, maybe not as bad as this, but she needs to just face it and deal with it - i'm at a loss as to how to help her tbh Stonksy
Is she the type who prefers others to run around doing thigs for her?
Is she the type who prefers others to run around doing thigs for her?
She'd have a long wait, her partner died last year and her grown up family (3 boys) are the most useless trio of the male species i've ever witnessed. She's stressed to the eyeballs whilst they come and go as they please - one of them's just come back from 10 days in Florida which cost him about a grand.. she won't listen to sense, i could shake her but at the same time she's just the loveliest lady in the world.
Reference:  mummymaz
thats brilliant that link, i've sent it to her - the 1st post is her! Council tax and ballifs - hopefully this will help - many thanks MsT xx
  Just by reading that site will help her realise that she is NOT the only person facing a crisis and it might give her some ideas that she can adopt to face her debt problems.
Do her sons live with her?.because if they don't know all this when the Bailiffs come and she can't prove their stuff is not hers, the sons can lose all their things
Oh yes they know about it, they arent helpful - all they care about is whether they can get their stuff out before they come back - as i said - useless shower of pr**ks!

They cant force their way in....but if for example you had left the door or window open they can get in like that. You can open the door and they arent allowed to force their way past you. DO NOT LET THEM IN AT ALL. Even if they say they need to use the phone or loo or just make a list of your stuff - no excuses, cos once they are in they can do their baliff bit.
You cant be arrested for refusing to let a baliff in and you cant be imprisoned for debts....but you can for not paying council tax so she needs to sort it out somehow.

but you can for not paying council tax so she needs to sort it out somehow.
she did pay it though! she paid it with a cheque, it cleared and she even sent them the receipt but they refused to accpet that she did hence her leaving it all this time to get worse as she thought "well i've paid it, they arent getting any more from me"
OMG thats ludicrous. I would say to keep a record of all monies given so when she does prove its already been paid she can get it back.....but it sounds like shes not got the nous to chase this.
well this is the thing, he youngest boy is 22 - her oldest 30 - you'd think they'd say "come on mum lets sort this out" but no... just pile all their worrys on top of her instead, never pay her any money when they are there and treat her like crap... i wish she was my mum, i'd be looking after her
she did pay it though! she paid it with a cheque, it cleared and she even sent them the receipt but they refused to accpet that she did hence her leaving it all this time to get worse as she thought "well i've paid it, they arent getting any more from me"
she has to get a copy of the front and back of the cheque from the bank  and send it  to the council, they  won't argue with that.
p.s.  they came after me for  non payment once,and i had paid with a cheque, they got all snotty  and said' course you did, send us a copy of the front and back and maybe we'll believe you'.. not in those precise words...

so i  got a copy from the bank, took about a week and sent it to the council  and  they  credited my account, because they had  posted the money to the wrong account.

My sister used to be a bailiff in Newcastle. She says they cant take her pets. Even if they have been in her home they cant break in at anytime.

However if you invite them into your home they will make an inventory of all the goods they see ask the householder to sign it, if they refuse the bailiff signs it on their behalf.
If reciepts are provided for said goods in somebody elses name they cant touch them. This is how court bailiffs run, private bailiffs might work to a different set of rules.


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