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In my own opinion everyone should be equal regardless of race creed or colour. I moved from glasgow to notting hill gate from the age of five. I grew up with an amazing mix of people and I loved it. If we all spent more time understanding each others culture I think we all might get on ok. Just my own personal view. (ps. Iam very old but had the luxury of growing up in the swinging sixties)

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If we all spent more time understanding each others culture I think we all might get on ok.
In the real world this would be great, but alas in the present times, i can only see it getting worse. The wars abroad are not helping anyone- making matters worse IMO. But it's best to keep Race/ Religion away from this forum if we are all to get on. They only end up in the Troll tank anyway.
I come from a working class/industrial area that had a lot of immigration in the 50's/'60's/'70's to work in the local factories and find that the majority of us all live together quite happily, in fact many of the families that came to our country consider themselves  more British than the people who were originally from the area and show a great deal of contempt for the newer migrants, who have come from Eastern Europe and the African countries, because they see them as not integrating into the country.

Thankfully I was just too young to remember the signs but I remember a local one that I think made national  news where a man refused to sell his house to Asian's and Enoch Powell was our M.P.  in the '60's so we did make the news over the "Rivers of Blood" speech.

I think left alone, we could all live together quite happily.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Dirtyprettygirlthing 8373 Forum PostsYesterday at 17:20 (Edited: ) Reference: Real Religion I think the religion thread has been bloody brill... personally. I don't think I have ever seen a discussion on religion conducted in such a frank and open way... without it degenerating into mud slinging.
Totally agree with you DPT we should be able to discuss anything! whether we agree or not we should respect each other's views! We learn more from listening than we do from talking!

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