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I've been in my new place about a week now, i love it - dead quiet street even though its close to everything. The house itself is lovely, i feel really at home there!

Last night i was in on my own and i could hear a commotion outside, i looked out and there was 2 th'ambulances - so as you do, i turned out the lights and sat watching to see what was going on, after 5 mins i got bored and went up to my room - thats when it started! The bloke next door was going crazy, literally crazy in the back garden - he was screaming and swearing at everyone, punching himself in the head, punching anyone that was near him - i ran downstairs to see if th'ambulances were still there otherwise i was ringing the police - they were and 2 police cars came blazing down the street blocking it off.

The bloke was still screaming and the whole street was out to see what was going on , in the end the paramedics got what looked like a straightjacket out of th'ambulance and went in - he came out hancuffed to the chair though and looked seriously drugged.

I felt so sorry for him..he looked so bad. What do i say though if he talks to me? He's been quite friendly till now, if he comes out of hospital and comes back to the house i am sure i'll run into him somewhere along the line?!?!?

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Did it sound like "has a history of violence" or "has no history of violence", MM?
When I was a child a neighbour of ours had a funny turn and smashed out another neighbours windows, he spent some time in a psychiatric hospital and was fine after (as far as we were aware).
My parents didn't mention the outburst to him and things went back to normal.
i did hear them tell the paramedics about changing meds, also heard the police say something about 'history of violence' ..
I've lived in my present house in a lovely street over 20 years and one day was shocked to see police cars and people wearing those natty little paper all in one hooded outfits. It turned out one of my neighbours was a rapist who got 9 life sentences!!!!
Seemed  a nice enough bloke at the time and always sent a Christmas card so you never know who you are living near.
MM, your neighbour seems to have a mental illness and is receiving treatment so he is doing his best to deal with his difficulties so when you see him give him a wave and say "Hi".
MM, your neighbour seems to have a mental illness and is receiving treatment so he is doing his best to deal with his difficulties so when you see him give him a wave and say "Hi".
Oh yes i will for sure Blackpud, i just hope he doesnt mention it you know to apologise for the commotion or somat, i'm awful in that type of situation i just wouldnt know what to say to him! The police definitley said " he has a history of violence" though - poor fella, he's got kids aswell - god knows where they were when it was all going off
poor bloke seemed to have a breakdown of sorts, probably due to his meds seeing as you said you heard about changing them. whatever his mental problems are, he is obviously getting help for them if he is on try not to worry about the history of violence (that term can be used pretty loosely i find, i dont think you'll find him chasing you with an axe anytime soon) i would imagine he would be 100 times more embarrassed than you are next time you see him so i wouldn't worry. just ask him how he is doing if it comes up in convo.
My Dad was the crazy neighbour when I was growing up. One time he got drunk and trashed the garden at 3am in the morning. Naturally he'd choose the night before we were due to hold a bonfire party for the street to do this. We had to cancel, and the immediate neighbours blatantly knew why. Oh that was fun.
Disley  Families, eh?
We had some mental neighbours when I was a kid. They were mum, dad and two huge fat daughters, who liked to pick on me even though I was about 9 and they were in their teens. They were a dirty lot as well, and the stuff they used to hang on their washing line was so filthy, god only knows what it was like before it went in the wash.

My gran visited and got into a row with the horrible old mum. It culminated in Gran screeching at her to get indoors and give her towels "a bloody good boil"
my alcholic neighbour-the one that pissed all over my settee a few months back, the same one when i had to take her kids off her cos she was pissed as a rat and was driving the car with the kids in it!-she had the cops breaking her front door down last night..proper nasty piece of work she is

just thought i'd tell you that bit of info

It is quite hard to be supportive of neighbours with mental problems when they expect too much of you - that's what I have found.  I would have liked to be more helpful, but wasn't in the best of health myself, so it would have dragged me down too much.  In a way, I would have had to sacrifice my own life to save his, so I had to distance myself, though I felt bad doing it.

mummymaz offline 2536 Forum Posts Today at 06:46 (Edited: ) Reference: i turned out the lights and sat watching to see what was going on Now that I found strange! its so they couldnt see i was a nosey neighbour! if the lights were on they'd see i was looking out lol
If you left the lights on,you'd not be able to see anything,only your own reflection.
If I were you MM, just be polite to him and pass the time of day and leave it there don't get too close to him.There has been so much in the news lately of putting criminal nutters into the community,where they have been raping and commiting murders.Perhaps you can find out more about him from your other neighbours,which may help you to get a better insight into him.
just thought i'd give you all a wee update on this - the bloke had been attacked a while back and developed epilepsy with his head injury, his doctors were trying him on different medications for this and he was taking too much unknowingly that is what send him over the edge (so to speak)

His wife came round the other day to explain and apologise - i wasnt in but my housemate told her there was no need for either - i've not seen him yet but feel better now he's not a physchopathic nutter ! Feel quite sorry for him though, all this from getting beaten up by some thugs .. poor man
When you know the full story...then there's no need to be frightened or worried about him. Treat him the same as you would anyone face value
Oh i will be, as i said he'd been pleasant to me when i seen him the few times before that. i hope he gets its sorted out with his medication though, seems awful that medicine can do that to a person

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