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I know the feeling having been through it myself recently (tis on my blog) I trust up until the point that they do something that too crap to be ignored and then they're out. I can't be friends with people I can't trust.
will have to read blog * totters off to read *

Lowon - I've lived a lot of lessons & this is the first time I've allowed someone to get close. NEVER again
I had a friend from school who, when the children were younger used to call en-route home to my house for a coffee, (the children went to different schools). Trouble was, this coffee used to last all day - even if I had jobs planned or things to do she's never take the hint and suit herself; ok I like company but I always arrange things with people, the odd 'drop-in' is also fine, but the days I'd arrange to call to her after taking the children to school were so annoying. she knew I used to like to have my washing out and meals thought of in advance etc, so I'd plan all this and pack for the youngest the night before, turn up at her house at the arranged time and 'behold' she'd be out! she'd always catch me in! then she'd do my Times 2 crossword! I learned to drift and finally 'escaped' her - never missed her despite being friends for over 30+ yrs. looking back I was used.
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Agree with brisket, if we are lucky we get one or two true friends in a lifetime that you can depend on.

My best friend has been the same since the age of 14 when we met at school, she is always there for me and I am her and even though we don't live close by each other anymore, we still send texts at least once a day, just to se how the other one is doing.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Abo... these people - they aren't friends.  I know you thought they were... we all make that mistake at some point ... usually more than once.

I tend to have a good clear out every decade or so....  but real friends... proper ones, that love you for what you are, are there for you when you need them... but you can go months and months without speaking to, with no pressures.... they make having to deal with lifes tossers worth it in the long run.

Don't let these no marks put you off the whole concept of friends.   Just keep your barriers up for a long enough time to really know them, and know they really are a "friend".    & cut loose those that take, take, take or emotionally leach off you!
just to update this thread - as I was gonna start another but thought otherwise.


they tried to have me arrested yesterday claiming I had forged their signature on the V5 registration certificate so that I could sell the car & recoup some of the money they owe me.

Now I have to wait to find out if I'm going to have a criminal record because of them.

Mind you he's back in the country for the week to sell his motorbike (eBay) & sign papers so that the house can be sold & there are so many things I could do to get some payback
they tried to have me arrested yesterday claiming I had forged their signature on the V5 registration certificate so that I could sell the car & recoup some of the money they owe me.
And did you? 

The Land Registry has deeds available online, including the signature.  As you can get birth certicates fairly easily, and if you have the keys to the house, you could fairly easily sell their house and do a runner with the money.  It's been done before!!
And did you?

The Land Registry has deeds available online, including the signature. As you can get birth certicates fairly easily, and if you have the keys to the house, you could fairly easily sell their house and do a runner with the money. It's been done before!!
no I didn't & I didn't know that about the land registry & stuff. And I handed the keys to the tennants last Oct (2008) & they have just moved out & given the keys to the estate agents that are trying to sell the house.

For the past year that the tennants have been renting the property the owners haven't told the lenders (bank - whoever) that it was being rented out. And from what I now understand that is illegal?!
For the past year that the tennants have been renting the property the owners haven't told the lenders (bank - whoever) that it was being rented out. And from what I now understand that is illegal?!
Probably breach of contract rather than a crime.  The lender often charges 1% or so extra in those cases.

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