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Flys and bluebottles etc are the few creatures I don't mind killing.I have house rabbits and they have litter trays ,which I clean out every day.Even so,because in the better weather I always leave the back door open and sure as anything ,
flys etc would come into the house.I laways had can of flyspray handy.

If a rabbit has even a bit of poop stuck on their bum,flies can lay eggs on it,the bloody maggots hatch out and can burrow into the rabbits skin,nasty!(Fly Strike)

More of a problem with outdoor bunnies .Mine are total house rabbits,I still leap up though if  I spot a fly in the house.

Spiders are made most  welcome.
Reference: kattymieoww
Fly Strike
Oooh, that's nasty.
One of my longhair cats had that once...the vet said it was very unusual in cats, but he was very old, and unwell, and couldn't groom himself.
The vet had to shave his bottom (the cat's bottom, not the vet's...) and we had some evil-smelling lotion to clean it with every day...

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