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We are but a speck in the ocean in the evolution of mankind. Stephen Hawkins was right in saying--- why tell others where  we are. We may think we are the dogs B***ocks, but there may be others out there that think different. All these UFO incidents can't be put down to " weather ballons" "experimental planes" we are being watched by something far in advance to us. We are naive thinking we are the only species in this universe.
Reference:  Real
it is not an ape but assumed by those who know about all this as the skeleton of the original homo sapien. I found that very interesting, and it backed up my long held theory lol

I think this planet was formed from the remnants of Mars--- some catastrophic event that took place there. We have the same same Bio-clock as there, We are being naieve thinking we are the only living people in the universe. Judjing on what has been achieved on this planet in the last 60 years-- this is merely a drop in the ocean to what other species on other planets could have achieved.
I've absolutely no understanding of those who believe believe we are the only living beings in such a vast Universe, Multiverse. For those who don't believe they should do some searches to see how many millions of galaxies there are out there, why the heck would Earth - just another planet not as old as others be the only one supporting life, there's much I could say about that but won't, but I know that for sure we are not the most advanced beings, in fact we're still neanderthal compared to other races
Yellow Rose
Reference: Yellow Rose
Evolution is a very slow process so it must have been a very long period of time before that happened, and I wonder how that came about.
We can see evolution at work at a much quicker rate, in things like dog breeding.

All dogs came from wolves, but were bred for different purposes, so that we ended up with little terriers for hunting rabbits, big aggressive dogs for fighting and tiny chihuahuas for fitting in handbags!
Sounds far-fetched, but the theory of Amoeba to giant Dinosaurs???? has always made me ask Why???
Darwin explains this very easily hun.  
Why? is the simple genetic imperative for the species to survive. So any advantage an amoeba had over another took advantage of that! It's like building blocks... jeez! You should know that in the Towers!
why the heck would Earth - just another planet not as old as others be the only one supporting life, there's much I could say about that but won't, but I know that foir sure we are not the most advanced beings, in fact we're still neanderthal compared to other races
Totally agree. We see in one light spectrum, whereas other species on Earth see in another. Who is to say people from planets see in a totally different wavelengh than we do.. We now understand stuff by what the scientists tell us, but based on the fact that what we have learned in the last 50 years---- a drop in the ocean compared to the age of our planet-- should we be so naieve to think others are not much mare advanced than we are out there??
We now understand stuff by what the scientists tell us, but based on the fact that what we have learned in the last 50 years---- a drop in the ocean compared to the age of our planet-- should we be so naieve to think others are not much mare advanced than we are out there??
But... but... this is completely different discussion...  And what's more, the scientists you seem to distrust on this matter would not disagree about the premiss that it is impossible the same thing that has occurred on Earth has not happened elsewhere...
Reference:  Blizzie
Evolution is a very slow process so it must have been a very long period of time before that happened, and I wonder how that came about.
We can see evolution at work at a much quicker rate, in things like dog breeding. All dogs came from wolves, but were bred for different purposes, so that we ended up with little terriers for hunting rabbits, big aggressive dogs for fighting and tiny chihuahuas for fitting in handbags!
Ok lol, I agree the Kennel Club or whatever they're called have certainly influenced the changes in dogs, not that it's always in the dog's health interests but a financial interest for breeders  And yes there are designer dog sizes that fit photo opportunities for so called celebs lol.
Yellow Rose
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