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something is not right with my daughter (15) she is going to bed at 9 all of a sudden and not spending anytime downstairs, where the laptop is, normally i have to rip the laptop off her at *10* her bedtime on school nights, weekends its 11 but still she went to bed early  she's not been out this week or last with her mates and she hasn't been to youth club tonight, i've asked her why she's going to bed early and she said she's tired, don't think she's fell out with her mates as i've been there when they've rang her and she's ask to use the land line to phone them and i've heard the convo

i know her period is the same time as mine and mine was 2 weeks ago and i haven't had to replace anything in the cupboard, so i know she hasn't had hers  i don't think it's that though, but i just don't know whats wrong

Any advice peeps

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slimfern 3809 Forum PostsToday at 22:41 (Edited: ) Is she eating Aims?....still doing her sport?.....Is it summat to do with her Dad?
she has money at dinner time, so i don't know what she eats then, she has become fussy with her food at meal time though, she's doing all her sport, except one day last week she came home early and said she couldn't be bothered, she's on good terms with her dad at the mo

i have no idea why she's being like this

Can you not try and talk to her Aimee, something might be worrying her at school and stress can dely a period. She could be coming down with a virus, there's a multitude of reasons she could be tired/stressed with. Try and get her to open up, or maybe try and have a chat with one of her close friend on the QT if it continues. Sorry I'm not being very helpful, my three girls had difficult times too...and zillions of missed periods without anything being untoward

Can't help you really not having kids of my own, but was shocked to see really abusive messages on my nieces FB at the weekend from a rather unpleasant, jealous girl and have managed to block these for her.  Could that be the problem?

I know at her age if my mum asked me anything I clammed up so I can't think how to start any type of conversation with her to see if anything is wrong.

I really hope you sort it out soon though.  
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Reference: Aims
she has money at dinner time, so i don't know what she eats then, she has become fussy with her food at meal time though, she's doing all her sport, except one day last week she came home early
Okay....with your history with food she showing any signs?
Lack of food will make her not bothered...& stop her periods!........Not wanting to worry you...but I'd wanna get her checked out pronto!
Dame_Ann_average 3601 Forum PostsToday at 22:46 (Edited: ) Can you not try and talk to her Aimee, something might be worrying her at school and stress can dely a period. She could be coming down with a virus, there's a multitude of reasons she could be tired/stressed with. Try and get her to open up, or maybe try and have a chat with one of her close friend on the QT if it continues. Sorry I'm not being very helpful, my three girls had difficult times too...and zillions of missed periods without anything being untoward
we are really close and talk about everything, she just seems really weird these last 2 weeks, will try and talk to her again tomorrow
charmer 1307 Forum PostsToday at 22:48 (Edited: ) she's been dumped or fell out with her mates or being a typical teenager

no-one would dump my daughter

seriously, everything seems fine in that department, lads knocking at the door  and girls ringing the landline all the time 

she's a really popular girl, so don't think thats the problem
slimfern 3811 Forum PostsToday at 22:51 (Edited: ) Reference: Aims she has money at dinner time, so i don't know what she eats then, she has become fussy with her food at meal time though, she's doing all her sport, except one day last week she came home early Okay....with your history with food she showing any signs? Lack of food will make her not bothered...& stop her periods!........Not wanting to worry you...but I'd wanna get her checked out pronto!

don't think it's that, she eats me out of house and home, she is really slim but thats down to all her sport, this house is so small, i would hear her in the bathroom if she was making herself sick
suzybean 1065 Forum PostsToday at 22:52 (Edited: ) She just may be genuinely burnt out, sounds like she is usually always on the go so she needs to recharge. On the plus side she's up in her room at 9 and not hanging around on the streets till late.

i think this may be the case and i'm just worrying *i've never had to worry about a teenager before*  its just so not her
Growlybear 981 Forum PostsToday at 23:22 (Edited: ) Are you sure she's not pregnant? That's the first thing I would suspect if my daughter started behaving oddly.
i'd be lying if i said it hadn't crossed my mind but, i'd say NO it's not her, she's so into her sports and has been talking about looking into which college she wants to go to, but i could be wrong  she hardly goes out though
Maybe shes just not in the mood then. We all get periods of 'cant be arsedness' - its easy to feel distant from others if they are in a scene you aint getting. I dunno, mayb her mates are chav and shes getting a Emo vibe....or vice versa even. Maybe its a growing spurt lack of energy - that happens to teens too. If her mood seems fine then thats a positive isnt it.
MoFo 2119 Forum PostsToday at 23:40 (Edited: ) Maybe shes just not in the mood then. We all get periods of 'cant be arsedness' - its easy to feel distant from others if they are in a scene you aint getting. I dunno, mayb her mates are chav and shes getting a Emo vibe....or vice versa even. Maybe its a growing spurt lack of energy - that happens to teens too. If her mood seems fine then thats a positive isnt it.
thanks mofo  maybe i'm worrying over nothing
You're her mum so its your job to worry!

If she really seems fine and happy apart from a bit of apathy then its good to keep in mind it might just be a bit of apathy.

Bluddy hope I'm right anyway.

My son has gone off going out and stuff....a mate might call for him just now and he's all 'Nah, I cant be arsed' and when I ask him he just says he feels like hanging out at home. He isnt depressed and he doesnt seemed bothered about bullying or anything and I dont think he's pregnant ( ) so I just am letting him get on with it.
Reference:  Suzybean
I'd rather deal with apathy than rebellion.
Dunno Suzy.... apathy would worry me more.

I haven't got any advice.... cos it would scare the crap out of me if my teen daughter suddenly withdrew like this!   Sudden dramatic change in character and behaviour... yeah I would be worried too.

I know you say she's popular & stuff Aimee... but, you know what teens are like, its always someones turn to be not liked... I wouldn't be surprised if it was girly bitchy stuff.

Whatever it is.... good luck, fingers crossed you get to the bottom of it asap xx

I wouldnt worry too much...apart from the going to bed early bit,my 16 year old is behaving similarly.She used to be out all the time,but she's recently been spending a lot of time with us.Shes not even on the computer as much as she used to be.Like yours,she's not fallen out with anyone..she's been using my phone to call her mates and I can hear her laughing on the phone,so she's fine in herself.
With the winter nights drawing in,I think we all withdraw a little..and everything's exaggerated in a teenage girl.I can remember just wanting to be left alone for periods of reason...just a mood I guess.
Only thing I'd suggest is you suggest to her she goes tothe doctor to get a blood test.Anaemia's pretty common in teen girls and it would account for her drop in energy levels.
Hope you both feel better soon X


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