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HI DiD - yes, some of them have seemed a bit stingy in this series.    I'm just a bit suspicious of anyone making money out of care homes... hope they're not granny farms
I know what you mean Care Homes shouldn't be profit making organisations should they, care should come first....anyways, let's see if he's a nice fella or not...
The Devil In Diamante
My Uncle was until he passed away in December last year, he had Parkinsons Disease. They were brilliant with him, and, at his funeral an old friend of mine from many years ago was there, turns out she had been looking after him (I don't know how we kept missing each other), but he always talked about his 'little Burmese Star' and it was her....

...I just wish he'd known that we were friends before he died, though at least i know he had the best care possible
The Devil In Diamante
What was it like when you lived there Lainy?
It was great, we lived in a tree lined avenue, we played outside all day, went to Sunday school. Shop keepers gave free sweeties to us children. Everyone cared for each other....................until.................. one day someone knocked on our front door and offered Dad X amount of money for our house, my Dad told him to sling his hook. The man said "I will come back next week and I will offer you half of that amount.....but I am telling you now we WILL be buying this house"

They did.........we moved from Liverpool
lainy m
It was great, we lived in a tree lined avenue, we played outside all day, went to Sunday school. Shop keepers gave free sweeties to us children. Everyone cared for each other....................until.................. one day someone knocked on our front door and offered Dad X amount of money for our house, my Dad told him to sling his hook. The man said "I will come back next week and I will offer you half of that amount.....but I am telling you now we WILL be buying this house" They did.........we moved from Liverpool

That sounds very gangster-y?    Who was he..... and did your Dad end up selling for less?   Blimey!
Great eh - and Dave was so chuffed!   That was a good one.. still feel sad for the old woman and glad she's got a nice garden now.
The old Lady looked chuffed to be sat in her garden, simple pleasures maybe we should take a leaf out of her book....that was lovely...

What an inspiration to those kids Dave is....makes you feel kind of ashamed doesn't it, for moaning over the little things....
The Devil In Diamante
It was great, we lived in a tree lined avenue, we played outside all day, went to Sunday school. Shop keepers gave free sweeties to us children. Everyone cared for each other....................until.................. one day someone knocked on our front door and offered Dad X amount of money for our house, my Dad told him to sling his hook. The man said "I will come back next week and I will offer you half of that amount.....but I am telling you now we WILL be buying this house" They did.........we moved from Liverpool

That sounds very gangster-y? Who was he..... and did your Dad end up selling for less? Blimey!
He was one of an up and coming ethnic minority determined to be the ethnic majority. If I remember correctly (God damn this false memory syndrome) Mum and Dad did sell at a loss because of fear.
lainy m
He was one of an up and coming ethnic minority determined to be the ethnic majority. If I remember correctly (God damn this false memory syndrome) Mum and Dad did sell at a loss because of fear.
Makes me so mad when I hear stories like this!!! your Parents must've wanted to protect you so much and move you away...good for them
The Devil In Diamante
What an inspiration to those kids Dave is....makes you feel kind of ashamed doesn't it, for moaning over the little things....
It does - I've had a day of that sort of feeling today.  I was moaning about a friend who I've put off getting in touch with for a while because her last few long phone calls have 'poor me' ones bemoaning the state of her lovelife and this afternoon a work colleague was telling me her friend has just been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour.    That sort of thing puts everything in perspective, doesn't it?  Needless to say I've texted my mate and made arrangement for a long catch up phonecall later in the week.
It does - I've had a day of that sort of feeling today.  I was moaning about a friend who I've put off getting in touch with for a while because her last few long phone calls have 'poor me' ones bemoaning the state of her lovelife and this afternoon a work colleague was telling me her friend has just been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour.    That sort of thing puts everything in perspective, doesn't it?  Needless to say I've texted my mate and made arrangement for a long catch up phonecall later in the week
It does put everything into perspective kaffy We should treasure what we have and who we are and those around us, instead of thinking of what we want that we don't already have..
The Devil In Diamante

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