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the article i read said it was 'oral rape' and only one of the men did it...not that that is any better...but it just goes to show how the facts can be manipulated by the media to cause maximum outrage.

it seems also that they waited months before asking the public to help i hope the lady, her BF and their baby can move on from this
It wouldn't occur to me to do something like that.  I'd have to be forced to do it, possibly at gunpoint.  I can't imagine why it would occur to anyone else.  It makes me wonder whether there are fundamentally different sorts of people in the world, irrespective of upbringing.  Surely, a bad upbringing in the UK (as opposed to, say, Somali or other war-torn places of extreme violence and deprivation) isn't enough to produce people like that?
Blizzie online 7613 Forum Posts Yesterday at 17:12 (Edited: ) Darthhoob, the definition of rape has been widened to include oral penetration. Horrible story.
oh i know, but the article didn't state that, and many people do not know oral rape IS rape assume it was vaginal rape (esp when they say she went on to give birth ok). considering this lady was quite heavily pregnant...that makes people feel it is even more sick.
it's just the media spinning it.

and yes it is a bloody awful story
It wouldn't occur to me to do something like that.
I don't know any bloke who would.  When I was pregnant blokes would fall over themselves offering a seat on the bus, or trying to help in some way or other.  I don't know any sicko who would do something like this to a pregnant woman, or who could find anyway of rationalising it.
it seems also that they waited months before asking the public to help i hope the lady, her BF and their baby can move on from this
I read they didn't want to publicise it until after the baby was born, at the request of the couple who were attacked...I don't think they wanted the added stress and I believe they also need time (understandably), also STI checks for the Woman....

I also read that the Police are hopeful they will get some leads as they reckon the 'gang members' may switch alliegances (sp) for whatever they do not think rape was part of the original plan....

How awful for the couple, and also to have the birth of their first child tainted by this...what kind of 'Man' would do such a beggars belief...
The Devil In Diamante

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