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you know the ones i mean?
the disabled girl and the mom who were terrorised by the local kids?
i just wanted to say i think its bloody awful that it came to that..there was an interview in yesterdays paper with the 'main' family who gave her the grief-they posed for the camera with grins and didnt seem to give a flying fcuk at their part in what they did!
and they take no blame either..their parents seem aghast that their darlings should even be mentioned
then theres the cops who seem to have put that poor woman down as a whinging pain in the arse
if i had fireworks and dog shit shoved through my letterbox, my kids threatened with knives, beaten up,locked in sheds,mocked-if kids pissed all over my garden, set fire to my fence, hurled abuse and threats at me and mine-I'D complain-does it make me a moaner..?
the coroner on the case has had the lawyers for the cops on her case,having a go, trying to stop her saying the truth..i mean WTF..!
social services, the council were warned of what was going on-they were told of the womans suicidal thoughts and they did jack shit
why did no-one help?
neighbours were scared to intervene (a few did-but suffered abuse cos of it)
authorities didnt wanna know

it makes me sad that the woman resorted to killing herself and her girl

its bad innit

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They will sit back and allow it??? Apparently - yes!
i was a little bastard as a kid-i proper played up-but i never hurt anyone or caused anyone upset, cos
i'd be shit scared incase someone told my mom!
dont get me wrong..she wasnt a joan crawford type lol
but it just wasnt the done thing to bring the cops to your door, my mom would have been ashamed and i wouldnt have wanted her to feel like that

blimey..its a lot different now
Hi Charmer,i was one of five children,some of this problem is that children don't have the respect for their parents,or the slight fear factor.We had a local police man who lived close by in a police house.We were marched down there once by our parents for scrumping apples,and it put the fear of god into us,i can also remember feeling slightly ashamed that our parents had had to do that.How times change eh.
Maggie xx
In case anyone was wondering this is in the village where I grew up.  Amazingly, I read an article about this in the Daily Hate Mail this morning saying Barwell isn't a pit - yes it is!

The parents of the kids involved are Steven and Suzanne Simmonds.  They weren't in my year at school but Steve Simmonds is definitely a name I recognise, but I don't know Fiona Pilkington but then maybe that's her married name.

The area where they lived is not too bad (one of my great-aunts used to live along the street from them) but there are bits around it that are really crap.

I can't get my head around how this poor woman was let down by everyone, the parents of the children involved, the police, her support workers, everyone involved with this family surely knew what was going on and how desparate she was. There's so much we don't know, but enough to know she could and should have had help and apparently she was driven into this desparate act. How sad and an awful way for her and her daughter to die, there's no excuse happend.

The more I hear about this case, the angrier and more upset I get.
That poor woman and her family went through years of hell - WHY WOULD NOBODY HELP THEM?
It's disgusting and heartbreaking to think of what she must have felt like, to end her and her daughter's life the way she did. As far as I'm concerned, the police and councils have blood on their hands.
the police and councils have blood on their hands.
not one has had the decency to say sorry for being f*ckin useless
on the upside, the neighbours have now got a petition going to get rid of that family-not just cos of what happened but cos of their general behaviour
now the case has come out in the open-people are feeling a bit braver about tackling them
yesterday the street had 11 cop patrols in one day  -  compared to 8 in 3 years when the woman and her daughter were alive

its a bit late to look concerned now innit
Charmer - the cops are there to protect one of the main families responsible for the harassment. Seems they've had a few threats made to them now and they don't like it.
Well boo-bloody-hoo! Shame the coppers didn't give a shite when poor, helpless Fiona Pilkington and her two kids were getting openly hounded from morning till night.
Charmer - the cops are there to protect one of the main families responsible for the harassment. Seems they've had a few threats made to them now and they don't like it. Well boo-bloody-hoo! Shame the coppers didn't give a shite when poor, helpless Fiona Pilkington and her two kids were getting openly hounded from morning till night.
I read that Deman, where were the bloody cops when they were needed...nowhere...and now this family want protection....I also read they have been paid for their story....

...once again the victims lose out and the criminals gain.....

The despair that Mother must've felt to end both their lives, makes me weep!
The Devil In Diamante
Me too, Devil. She must have been at complete rock bottom, in total despair, but she just got treated like a joke. I hope her son's being taken good care of now, it must be terrible for him.
I feel so angry when I see the Police on the News trying to cover their own sorry asses, apologies aren't good enough, they have blood on their hands that's for they can live with themselves I'll never know.....this Lady had two disabled Children, all she wanted to do was protect them and she was failed.....

....we can only begin to imagine how bad things were, she must've been absolutely beaten down and desolate to think the only choice she had was to end God, the misery she endured at the hands of those Kids, they even used to mock her Daughter and called her Frankenstein

Sorry for rambling but I can't put into words how sad this makes me feel....and the injustice of it all....
The Devil In Diamante
Such a shame, poor woman and her kids were let down hardly any help or support available. The police and authorities can apologise all they want they were still failed and they must take some blame but try to prevent such a tragedy happening again. As for that family wasters, no wonder ASB is out of control but the thing is they always go on about children/kids doing it when in fact theres lots of adults that have contributed obviously to what a state this country is in at the moment also.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
pity theres not more in authority out there with that attitude maybe the little bastards would be scared of getting punished

Couldn't agree with you more, I was always brought up to respect other people's property and was terrified of misbehaving because I knew if it got back to my mum, that that was it, I would be punished.

I was even grounded for a whole month when I was younger for being persistently late coming in - could you see many kids today letting their parents do that? 
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
In case anyone was wondering this is in the village where I grew up. Amazingly, I read an article about this in the Daily Hate Mail this morning saying Barwell isn't a pit - yes it is! The parents of the kids involved are Steven and Suzanne Simmonds. They weren't in my year at school but Steve Simmonds is definitely a name I recognise, but I don't know Fiona Pilkington but then maybe that's her married name. The area where they lived is not too bad (one of my great-aunts used to live along the street from them) but there are bits around it that are really crap.

Fiona didn't grow up in Barwell, maybe that's why you don't know the name.
This is the one story that got to me last year. I remember being so horrified by it when i heard it i didnt want to hear it. Then one night i was driving to work and it was on the radio again, the next song was take that rule the world. I couldn't stop myself crying and crying. When i arrived at work (BLACK eye makeup all down my face) i had to say i had a bad case of coughing and my eyes were streeming. I just remember feeling so sad that they were so desperate but that they were now out of it.

see i do have feelings and everyfing !!!11 i DIDNT cry at anything else in the news in the past few years i shall have you know!
Haven't read this whole thread and really don't feel the need to either.

I know first hand the kind of abuse that people with LD have to cope with. There are lots of derogatory terms chucked about on this and other forums...spaz, tard, idiot etc etc

This isn't anything new, I know a lot of the families I am working with are having to deal with abuse in their communities. What is the answer? Education! I am pushing to get people with learning disabilities into schools to talk about thier experiences.

I will be taking a group of people I work with into junior schools in the next month so young people can see that people with disabilities have somethign to offer to society
Hootie McBoob1
I believe it is the breakdown of our society in general that is the cause. People don't know their neighbours like they used to, hardly speak to them on our street. We aren't local to our town, only moved in about 11 years ago. Most people know everyone else, and have many relatives in the town and nearby towns. Me and hubby speak more to the people in the street than the folks that's been here longer. Not that we speak that much. The kids play out till it after it's dark and no one seems bothered. One of our neighbours kids pulled my daughters hair for no reason, hubby was twitching, as we always do when ours it out playing. We shouted out of the window for the girl to get out of our garden, nothing nasty, the neighbours started on us then. They hadn't seen what happened cos they never bother to watch what is happening. yes this is a tiny snapshot, and I believe the problems are like this, but magnified , and sadly not the exception.
Fiona didn't grow up in Barwell, maybe that's why you don't know the name.
Makes sense - that's another possibility we considered but there were plenty of Fionas at my school and so we felt it could well have been one of them.

I know that most of the protagonists did go to my school and I know that most of the kids are at the same school now because there's not really a range of options.  Some kids went to John Cleveland in Hinckley but those who did that tended not to be this type of family. 

The story is very affecting.  I can remember hearing about them being found initially and I e-mailled Deej for more news as it is so close to my family and my mum has a history of problems so it made it conceivable that it was her with someone.

I'm not going to say any more because i don't know enough about what has happened.  But it is suffice to say that I'm saddened but not surprised

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