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I know that BB has long since gone but one or two things still puzzle me and I would  be very much interested in your thoughts.

Now I think I can say that we can all agree that the above three stood out from the rest of the HMs this year! Did that then give the rest of the HMs more than usual serious advantage over these particular 3?
 Most of us assumed that Charlie was the chosen on this year..... yet I have a niggly feeling that he was in fact just a red herring but the chosen one could have been Lisa...... she was the antithitis of Rachel last year and we know that BB was not pleased with that!
Look at that particular week when they were all up but BB changed it to save rather than evict at that point most people would have evicted Lisa and I think they knew it..... they saved her because they knew that the HM most likely to get the fewest votes would be the one that people knew the least at that particular point!
Now when they brought new blood in apart from Tom the group they would gravitate towards was most likely to be Lisa's group which was already advantaged by bigger numbers!
I believe BB was surprised how popular Freddie, Siavash and Marcus were with the GP That put a bit of a spanner in their contrivance !
Siavash aware of the block voting put another spanner in the works This I believe was the reasoning behind the dissing and humiliation that Siavash! was put through that last week!
I could say more.....!

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Loved Freddie,Marcus and to a degree Siavash...However I  loathed Lisa,she was  a total inverted soon as she heard Freddie speak and found he went to Oxford that was her mind set against him...One of her first questions to him was "Would you date a girl from a council estate?"..Boody rude cow.

She had Snarly Karly,Krap Kris etc on her side...oh jeez I wanted to boot the bint.How the hell she was still ther squatting on that fag bench with that thick twonk Dave ,to the end I'll never know.
Loved Freddie,Marcus and to a degree Siavash...However I loathed Lisa,she was a total inverted soon as she heard Freddie speak and found he went to Oxford that was her mind set against him...One of her first questions to him was "Would you date a girl from a council estate?"..Boody rude cow. She had Snarly Karly,Krap Kris etc on her side...oh jeez I wanted to boot the bint.How the hell she was still ther squatting on that fag bench with that thick twonk Dave ,to the end I'll never know.
That was the  only reason she was put in the house with Freddie, BB was banking on the outcome. The only problem for BB was underestimating the BP's level of hatred towards bullies. They thought Lisa was going to represent the majority of the public, how wrong they were even the two clowns (Devina and the other guy) had to change the way they spook spoke about Freddie.
Blue Diamond (Ben's Buddy 11)
Last edited {1}
Lisa always said she wanted ordinary people in the house people from council estates and thats the 1 reason she couldnt stand Freddie and made his life a misery in there, and when he finally retaliated got crucified for it. He may have gone about it the wrong way at the time, but there was never anything ever nice about Lisa, she was watching her back ALL of the time.
Taking the P outta Freddie was the easy option for the likes of Lisa Chris Carly and even Sree some of the time.
hat was the only reason she was put in the house with Freddie, BB was banking on the outcome. The only problem for BB was underestimating the BP's level of hatred towards bullies. They thought Lisa was going to represent the majority of the public, how wrong they were even the two clowns (Devina and the other guy) had to change the way they spook about Freddie
Absolutely spot on! They thought he was going to be some pompous toff... how wrong they were,instead it just showed Lisa's narrow minded bigotry! Other guy was Gearge Lamb!
Lisa always said she wanted ordinary people in the house people from council estates and thats the 1 reason she couldnt stand Freddie and made his life a misery in there, and when he finally retaliated got crucified for it. He may have gone about it the wrong way at the time, but there was never anything ever nice about Lisa, she was watching her back ALL of the time. Taking the P outta Freddie was the easy option for the likes of Lisa Chris Carly and even Sree some of the time.
So true,can you imagine if Freddie started to take the piss out of Lisa because was from a council estate etc?,there would have been outrage.Freddie did not do that ,he was a kind gentle soul,albeit a bit niave,and "doppy" at times.There was no malice in him...unlike Lisa!

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