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You have to read one of the earliest blogs from the lovely Shar from the 'Sinking Ships Secret Room, Shar was on IE it was driving her mad
I did read it at the time, and I was too embarrassed to say owt, I didn't want to admit that I was clueless on techy stuff, and scared of catching something if I used another browser. Now tho' I'm just accepting of myself.
I didn't want to admit that I was clueless on techy stuff, and scared of catching something if I used another browser. Now tho' I'm just accepting of myself.
Oh god! And what a turnaround!  
Seriously though Lowi... you're the cast iron example of to how to try to learn hints that you read here, and to try it out even if you're fearful. I applaud you!
Thanks Pam, but I couldn't have done it without the help from lots of fm's, they have been brilliant. Not naming names as there have been so many
Lowi, thats how I'm learning, none of us came over here knowing everything, it's a case of listening, reading, playing about. Lets face it, look at the Avvy dragging for inspiration. I bet there are a lot more bell's and whistles here we haven't discovered yet.
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Lets face it, look at the Avvy dragging for inspiration. I bet there are a lot more bell's and whistles here we haven't discovered ye
No-one was interested in my smilies discovery though...  

But for them who care, I found out that if you drag the smiies box outside a reply box but within the existing  forum page, you can stretch it so you don't have to do it for everyone's new posts in that page. The downside is you can't refresh the page or your new resized box disappears, so if you are quoting you have to delete the previous replies you've made... but I've found it quicker because I can't remember where the chuffin' smiley is I want! So it is good for smileytastic FMs!

Hope you understood this guys... it's late and I'm knackered!

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