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Dirtyprettygirlthing Today at 18:11 (Edited: ) You do right Low.... glean information from every source you can find... and doing it before the visits is a really good idea (oops... I didn't LOL... I did it AFTER the visits). Its like Karma just said... you have to work with them to come to the right decision .... cos left just to the kid, they will make the wrong decision, cos of where their friends are going.... so you have to balance it with a bit of parenting. Tis what we do! Also... you're lucky if all the schools have places.... it means that your options are still open should she not like the school once she start
Thanks Ditty nice to hear such good sound advice. Also in my confused state with it all, I had forgotten the possibility of changing schools if things don't work out, as a last resort.
Dame_Ann_average Today at 17:04 (Edited: ) Are you thinking about sending her out of town Low, there's an excellent one where the Roman Catholic one is just outside of town. Don't know if you could get her in there, is this for next year? I've got to dash out now, interested to know which two schools you're looking at...
Hi DA, I've sent you a message about the schools, not keen on putting the exact school names in a public place, just being cautious.
Personally I think having looked around them both, you will have a gut instinct which school is right for your daughter and as others have said if it doesnt suit her you can swap.
I went to our local high school which was a bit rubbish but did really well and got amazing support from all staff, but my mum was desperate for me to go to the best school in the city which was RC, she is catholic but I'm not, my mum wasn't thinking of her faith when she looked into and got me a place ( which i turned down) she was thinking of me, my education and my future. I dont think its hypocritical at all, everyone has a right to their faith but they also have a right to receive the best education possible.

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